OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Pleeeeeeaaaaaase enable MIDI parameters (note, arp, lfo and cc) to be mapped to scenes, to be able to send parameter changes to other gear in a more practical and intuitive way than having to create a lot of patterns with different parameter lock values!

PLEASE! :pray:t5: :pray:t5: :pray:t5: :sunglasses: :partying_face: :dancer:t5:



if using CUE OUT as send for external effect and returning from effect to external mixer as well as with MAIN OUT
i wanna propose variable up to 5 ms with 0.1 precision delay on MAIN OUT to compansate external effect

other wise i need to use some kind of delay(E.g. crossover with delay line,etcā€¦) on MAIN OUT to equalize
for example KORG kp3 needs 1.56 ms!
if not, it will sound messy together with MAIN OUT material


Not something Iā€™d ever expect since it would probably mean rewriting a substantial amount of the firmware, but the deeper I get into the MIDIbox SEQ the more I wish the Octatrack sequencer let you play different patterns on different tracks.

In the MBSeq, a pattern is associated with a group of four tracks, and there are always four patterns playing simultaneously, so you have 16 tracks at once but you can change any one pattern independent of the other three. So you could have tracks 1-4 playing pattern 1, 5-8 playing pattern 7, etc. Because the pattern and the track group are separate things, pattern 1 in group 1 (tracks 1-4) is not the same thing as pattern 1 in group 4 (tracks 13-16) - itā€™s sort of like four independent 4 track sequencers (until you get deeper and start internally routing tracks into toher tracks, but thatā€™s a whole other level).

The same basic 4 tracks per group paradigm would translate really well to the OT, since the UI is already divided into four groups of four tracks each (audio tracks to the left of the display, audio tracks to the right of the dispay, and the same for the MIDI tracks). UI wise, the only change that would be needed is an extra step when changing patterns. Instead of pressing pattern and then a trig button to select the new pattern, it could work like this:

  1. hold pattern button plus one other button (I canā€™t remember off the top of my head which button combos are free and donā€™t have the time to check now; maybe pattern+yes?) for maybe half a second
  2. use trigs 1-4 to select which groups to exclude from the pattern change
  3. release pattern button and choose the destination pattern the same way it already works

If pattern+yes and pattern+no are both available, it could even be set up so that pattern+yes works the way I described, and patter+no is the opposite (no groups included, trigs 1-4 select groups to include), since both seem equally useful for different situations.

Itā€™s such a superior way of working compared to the way the Elektron sequencers (and most others) handle pattern changes that itā€™s really hard to go back.

i agree that this could be amazing thing!!!

but i am sory to say that there is no chane it will be done in OT,since you would have to change entire way OT manages the memory and that would mean a LOT of coding and debuging and after debuging
i am guessing that there is so much things that could go wrong ,that basicaly would be better way to write new os from scratch
still we can dream about itā€¦


I know, I was just dreaming (which is what this thread is really for).

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always some trade offsā€¦

maybe we dont have separate tracks, but you get OT internal superior timing in my opinion
since im working with many hardware ,few come close to it

Midibox seq is great machine ,but it is midi sequencer so you need to use midi protocol and that alone puts you in situation that is impossible to get realy tight sequencing if you want to,best would be for hardware manufacurers to switch to OSC protocol,but that never will happend

Different hardware machines offers on paper this and that but when it realy comes down to clear cut sequencing then you start to notice that your sequencer is floating, till the point it will make difference that will destroy you,i mean it can be nice if you dont mind ,and it can bring some live feeling to it,but it can be very frustrating as well

What use is of more voices,more memory,more tracks while you canā€™t get one that is tight as daw,amiga,909,808 or mpc 60/3000ā€¦dont be fooled by numbers and self greedā€¦you do not need more,you need it to be musical and accurate

Next is also syncing,if you realy want to have your machines start at 1,you cant just jump cable from one to next with thru,that wont do!
To realy have it right,you need master sync box with few midi outs with adjustable delay on each out ,and then you need to fine tune those outs respectively to each machine you want to sync.
Otherwise is all a bit off on one machine a bit off on the other,and it is becoming messy,sloppy,sometihng is wrong but you cant put your finger on it,well there you have itā€¦

Our brains recognize timing EXTREMELY! well,it might not come at once, but you will feel it subconsiously,and i am tallking milli seconds ,maybe micro seconds differences,depends how many track you engage(cpu load),you can almost notice when cpu clock is making a cycle and there note will be off,that is how hard is to make good sequencer




CTRL - ALL (hold function or cue when changing parameters)

CTRL - 8P (new track type?)

STEP-RECORD MODE (for midi at least)


buttons combo or option to send at boot for SEND REQUEST ALL AUDIO CC


when changing PROGRAM number in MIDI TRACK (MIDI NOTE SETUP)
i propose that changes are send live and that you can change it also
via arrow key up/down or left/right



Add ā€˜audio 1-8ā€™ and ā€˜midi 1-8Ā“ destinations on the MIDI tracks.
I always want to make midi loops, but itā€™s a workflow killer.


Easy to workaround though, take a MIDI cable from Octatrackā€™s MIDI OUT and put the other end into Octatrackā€™s MIDI IN. Watch out for feedback loops though.

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Internal routing would be great for sure.
With cables itā€™s PITA to control midi tracks with other midi tracksā€¦

As long as midi tracks channels are the same as audio tracks, no problem.

You can use midi thru to send midi clock/transport/sync page prog changes.


Thatā€™s what I meant by midi loops.
But I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s easy. If you have already a few synths chained and connected to the OT, itā€™s not always easy to make the OT ā€˜talk to itselfā€™ due to several factors like midi thru, sequencer output, midi channelsā€¦.etc.
For instance, some synths simply donā€™t have a midi out.

Trig conditions on Rec trigs.

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track-wide probability parameter (currently must be added per step)

holding record and pressing play twice switches between quantized/unquantized live record modes

I think both of these features are in the A4 and the RYTM and theyā€™re very convenient!

amp settings/length of step is captured when adding trigs in live record mode


+1 to be able to edit trig conditions while holding multiple trigs.


while holding SCENE A or B ,PAGE + YES is randomizing to scene,PAGE+NO reloads from saved part to scene



IIIRC I think itā€™s the case if you press the encoder.
+1 for arrows

Not as ideal as what you propose, but if youā€™re interested in I had very interesting results in that concern.

Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips) - #340 by sezare56


that pretty nice as well

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