OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

idea to have certain OT behavior to improve programing patterns

say i start all with blank BANK A,PATTERN 1
and Part 1 ,Track 1 lets say have kick sample
i make some edits and i want to continue
i hit once Scale Setup and it makes copy of current track trigs and paste it to new pattern and it immidiately switches to that pattern - voila!
i edit again, hit Scale Setup and make another one ,and so on…

this is so much quicker which is so very important when you are int the zone,
you make 16 patterns for particular TRACK in a BANK in no time and you can follow your flow wihtout distracion of need to
first copy pattern,change bank,change pattern,paste pattern…no

OT should do that for you,of course you can still do that but when you are on fire
just press one button and go…

it could be also cycling thru a bank,or continuing to next bank

and if that could not be done then, at least copy/paste track MIDI CC shortcuts,then i could do that in PureData my self.
or better yet,why not give all panel buttons direct mapping to MIDI CC,that would sort all problems out


Has anyone mentioned direct jump yet? :smiley:



A workaround for naming several recordings with same prefix is to ASSIGN TO SELF when saving. That way each new recording as the same name prefix. (You can assign to Flex / Static after).


Midi behavoir.
Note before CC
CC before note


works perfect,thank you

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I’ve mentioned this before but now that Digitakt got it I would like to repeat… would be good to have a “repitch” option for a timestretch method. Perfect for percussive loops when you don’t have to worry about tonal elements getting out of key… also if you want to do DJ stuff on OT, taking a full song and timestretching even a few BPM creates very audible artifacts… repitching on the fly would be so cool.

I believe this has been my only wish ever since the OT was brand new.


Limiter! Please.

Also some indicator of levels.

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Also I’d love project auto name to put date at the BEGINNING of the filename not the end

I often find myself wanting an expander / gate for working with drumloops.


Re: That granular thread - Choice of retrig envelope shapes would be good :slight_smile:

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Midi scenes.
I dont buy what people say about bandwidth etc.
Why can I have 24 midi LFOs but not 24 CCs controlled by xfader instead?


In that concern, something reasonable would be to have the possibility to assign midi tracks lfo’s depth to scenes…


Really wish the compressor had a tweakable gate integrated into it, there’s 5 empty slots in page 2 of that effect that could be put to good use…



Empty slots = hope


Use scenes to turn down the sample volume while leaving track volume full :wink:

Vol in Amp page doesn’t do that?

Lately I’ve been using the MIDI sequencer a bit more and I really wish the transpose happened POST arpeggiator instead of pre. It would be really useful to be able to transpose notes AFTER they’ve been quantized to a scale so you could use it for things like p-locking key changes. As it is it’s kind of useful but doesn’t really do much that you couldn’t do without it by programming or playing different notes.

I think this is more of a limitation of the midi protocol. Every time you move the crossfader at all it would have to send every midi cc all over again, sending each midi CC likely hundreds of times as you move the crossfader. When you have a bunch of midi CCs all being updated very quickly, I think you start running into the data rate limitations of midi 1.0. Though I’m not totally sure of that.

Lo-Fi Fx to have Dry/Wet or Mix/Send control.