OT Fun with LFOs and Retrigs (Pickup machine twist)

This is a trick that was posted to the old forum that involves using LFOs to mess with retrigs and sample start time:


The little twist I put on this was:

  1. Pickup Machine on Track 1
  2. Flex Machine on Track 3, sample slot set to Recorder 1 (Track 1’s recorder)
  3. Record loop on Track 1
  4. On Track 3, assign LFO1 to RTIM and LFO2 to sample start
  5. On Track 3, set FX to Comb Filter

I skipped the bit in the old post about using LFO Designer - just used regular triangle wave.

Fun stuff that I look forward to exploring more deeply, after hurting my brain studying Anders’ stuff. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

looking fwd to trying some of these comb/rtim concepts out ! shame the sound cloud link is dead on the old post

It’s tons o’ fun, even more fun with LFO set to Random instead of Triangle.

This was from last Sunday’s band rehearsal - I start off the track looping my viola w/ pickup machine. Later in the track, I fade in the Flex machine track for the LFO/Retrig/Sample Start mangling. Live harmonica and guitar/guitar synth by my bandmates.
