OT MKII 1.40A - Quick Record - Buffer Shows Content But No Sound

Tried to sift through the forum and bug reports for this issue but haven’t found anything. Please feel free to merge if this has been covered elsewhere.

I have the following setup:

  • Track 1 - Thru - Input A
  • Track 2 - Thru - Input B
  • Track 3 - Thru - Input C
  • Track 5 - Flex - Rec. Buffer 1
  • Track 6 - Flex - Rec. Buffer 2
  • Track 7 - Flex - Rec. Buffer 3

The logic is to have sources run in on 1, 2, and 3’s THRU machines for live effects/mixing and be able to record on the fly, and use tracks 5, 6, and 7 to playback the adjacent buffers for live remixing.

When I setup a one shot recording trig to capture the recording, the buffer records (as evidenced by waveform data in AED) and audio is played back on the corresponding FLEX track.

No problems.

When I don’t place any recording trigs down and I use quick record by pressing the REC1 button, the buffer records (as evidenced by waveform data in AED) but no audio is played back on the corresponding FLEX track.


On the THRU track, pressing REC1 + Bank shows the buffer with data in it. On the FLEX track, AED shows the recorder with data in it. Pressing Func + Yes while in AED has no audio output. Changing the FLEX slot to an assigned sample plays back audio (to prove out track settings affecting playback volume).


To sum up:

  • Recording to a buffer using a one-shot recording trig via a THRU track records audio (shows in AED on corresponding FLEX track and by confirmation of hearing audio)
  • Recording to a buffer using Quick Record via a THRU track seemingly records audio (shows in AED on corresponding FLEX track) but has no actual audio in the buffer.

I would love to be able to quick record as opposed to having to enter Func + REC1 to be in recording setup then Func + Yes to arm my recording trigs. I can do it but 2x combo key presses vs 1 key press is a no-brainer.

Paging @sezare56 :slight_smile:

Read. :content:
One shots rec trigs and Rec1 button should record similarly.
Did you preview the recording buffer with Func + Yes?

Does ARM ALL (including one shot rec trigs), with grid recording off.
Allows you to record the 3 tracks at the same time.

@d4ydream are you Daydream Sound?

When pressing REC is the correct track selected? eg if you want to capture T1 are you selecting T5 to capture or T1?

As I would expect and the buffer shows data but when captured via quick record, no audio plays back.

Yup. Nothing comes out. If I change the FLEX source from the recording buffer to a flex sample and hit Func + Yes I get playback. So this confirms track settings are correct but the buffer, while showing waveform data, appears to be empty.

This does work as intended but the issue with this in my setup is that I have 3 live THRU tracks and 3 FLEX tracks pointed to those buffers. I want to grab live recordings from a single track at my discretion. Definitely want to avoid overwriting buffers by accident.

Quick record should be exactly what I want but the buffer simply appears to be bugged. I can record a quick video to clarify.

And, assume my recording, play trigs etc. are set correct as capturing audio using a one-shot recording trig plays back without issue.

@darenager negative. Domain I registered for future use/events/representation. I go by Christopher Day when I go live in the near future :slight_smile:

To drill down a bit further into the setup using one set of tracks (the rest are duplicated setups).

  • Track 1 - THRU - Input A
  • Track 5 - Flex - Recorder Buffer 1

Track 1 REC1 setup:

  • INAB - A
  • INCD - -
  • RLEN - 32
  • TRIG - ONE
  • SRC3 - -
  • LOOP - OFF

Track 1 REC2 setup"

  • FIN - 0.063
  • FOUT - 0.063
  • AB - 0
  • QREC - 16
  • QPL - OFF
  • CD - 0

Track 5 - Flex - Assigned to Recording Buffer 1

Again, an armed one-shot record trig captures audio to the buffer. Verified visually and through playback.

A quick recording captures ‘data’ to the buffer. Verified visually but there is no sound. Func + Yes shows the playhead moving in AED over a waveform but there is no output. This same test with a buffer captured by one-shot trig plays back audio.

Edit: To test that my FLEX track does not have any track settings that would impact audio playback, I can change the source to a flex slot with a sample in it and it plays back without issue. Indeed, the buffer plays back but only when capture via a recording trig.

Seems to be working here, with these settings:

T1 is thru looking at in CD, T5 is flex looking at rec buffer 1.

Pressing REC2 (with T1 in focus) records the input and T5 plays it.

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Maybe try a save and reboot?

This here was the issue; I was pressing REC1 but trying to record Input C. I misunderstood that you need press the corresponding REC button to capture as opposed to just pressing any REC button.

The “bug” is that the buffer shows captured audio in the AED when it should be blank as no actual audio is captured. And, that waveform showing there is the waveform represented by what would’ve been captured from Input C. It should be blank or, at the very least, show the waveform from inputs AB. But, in my case, there is no audio passing into AB at this time.

So, AED is misrepresenting information in this case.

Big thanks for testing! It would’ve taken me some time to catch the REC1/REC2 mixup on my part.

Cool, glad you got it working.

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Yep. Can be confusing.
Btw I wish there was a combo rec recording all sources, hence Rec Setup settings (possible with midi).


Absolutely. And I think I know what is happening from my scenario above:

Track 3 REC1 setup:

  • INAB - -
  • INCD - C
  • RLEN - 32
  • TRIG - ONE
  • SRC3 - -
  • LOOP - OFF

I was erroneously hitting REC1 to capture as this was my first time recording using anything other than recording trigs and wasn’t fully aware of the REC1 for AB and REC2 for CD.

The AED waveform was clearly a representation of the audio coming in on C but nothing was recorded to the buffer as I was pushing REC1 which would only have captured AB. There was no audio coming in to either input at the time and the waveform was a clear representation of what was being input on C.

I believe what is happening is that the AED waveform is a representation of the active sources in REC1 setup. I could test by perhaps setting all input source values to ‘-’ and trying my test again; hitting REC1 while trying to capture from C. If my hypothesis is correct then that would mean that the AED waveform will only represent sources captured from recording trigs as setup in REC1 setup.

What was throwing me off, or leading me astray, was that I thought I was recording audio because of the presence of an accurate representation of what I was trying to record.

I’m sure there’s a bug here that can be sleuthed out. It’s not performance impacting by any means but something that, I would think, is not as intended.

Edit: Did some testing and it’s only my above scenario that seems to produce the misrepresented waveform. Doesn’t occur when setting all sources to ‘-’ in REC1 setup or when mismatching things. It shows up empty in the correct way accept the one unique case I found. I have no brain power to explore further >.<

It’s all sorted out now and I had a great jam with the setup. Many thanks to those that took the time to setup testing. Ultimately, it was my misunderstanding of a “new to me” way of recording. :slight_smile:

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AED should not be showing anything other than what is recording if viewing “live” or what is already recorded (or not recorded) if not viewing live.

The AED button is buggy, shows the wrong buffer sometimes. There was another thread on it and I put a ticket in about it. It would be good to put a ticket in about this too I think.

Not seen this here, any surefire way to reproduce? Assuming 1.40A?

Yes. 1.40A

Track 1 REC1 setup:

  • INAB - -
  • INCD - C
  • RLEN - 32
  • TRIG - ONE
  • SRC3 - -
  • LOOP - OFF

Track 1 REC2 setup:

  • FIN - 0.063
  • FOUT - 0.063
  • AB - 0
  • QREC - 16
  • QPL - OFF
  • CD - 0

Any other track, set it to FLEX pointed to recording buffer 1. With audio only playing into C, press REC1 on Track 1 (erroneously, I know) to cue up a quick record. After the recording pass, on track 1, press REC1 + Bank OR on the FLEX track, go to the AED and look at the waveform. It will have recorded the waveform from input C where it should not have recorded anything as you pressed REC1 which should only capture from AB. I believe it’s linked to the REC1 setup page and having ‘C’ selected in the ‘INCD’ field.

I can record a video of the behavior later or tomorrow. Just getting onto my bike with my partner to go find a food truck and beers. It’s gorgeous outside!

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Can’t seem to reproduce it here, are you MK1 or MK2?


I’ll snap a video later or tomorrow when I get up.

In the other bug opening the quick assign menu (double tap track) fixed the issue. Perhaps see if that affects things? Sorry not at mine currently.