OT Reseted? Should I worry about it?

Today I turned on my OT and it was empty, Card is OK but there wasn’t any Project mounted and OT started asking me to enter Date/Time.

Anything I should worry about?

well the first thing i think anyone should ask is… do you have cats or kittens near by?

Nobody on my studio besides me, nor pets, etc.
And I always shut down all my stuff before leaving.

maybe there was a semi-breif power outage?

Semi-brief power outages do clear all your OT Ram and reset your OT Date and Time?

Backup everything and next time it happens contact Elektron immediately!

Is your unit within warranty?

I wouldn’t worry, but unless anybody chips in soon about their similar issue, i’d ask support how it may have come about, might be something to fix before it gets critical, might be trivial #backup

EDIT: ^ see what happens when you type like a snail

Made an Empty Reset?

I don´t think that affects the date/time setting though. I´ll check.

EDIT: no, I don´t get that.

I wouldn’t worry, but unless anybody chips in soon about their similar issue, i’d ask support how it may have come about, might be something to fix before it gets critical, might be trivial #backup

EDIT: ^ see what happens when you type like a snail[/quote]
Robin beat you to this one! :smiley:

could your battery be going dead?

i’m pretty sure mine did this before, along with some other weird behaviour. the battery was changed about a year ago.

broken/loose trig keys can also cause a lot of strange things to happen.

it happened again a could of times, and I use it all days and all days I cut completely the power from it when I stop working.

I think is not battery, my unit is pretty new.
Backup is ok, I do religiously

My fear is that the unit fail while touring.

OT is not an “easy to get anywhere” piece of hardware.