OT Sample Food: Rytm does TR-606/DR-110

Just uploaded to the files section.

16 slice sample chain for Octatrack.
Analog Rytm MKII, going for that TR-606/DR-110 vibe.

A full drum kit, using the following Rytm synthesis machines:
BD Silky,
SD Natural,
SD Classic,
CP Classic,
XT Tom Classic,
CY Classic,
CY Metallic,
CH Classic,
CH Metallic,
OH Classic,
OH Metallic






Thanks! Looking forward to playing with these.

Seems nice ! Can you share the rytm kits aswell ?

Can someone please reveal the mystery of when one becomes ‘allowed’ to download from the files section?

I have to use an alternate browser to get stuff to download, there’s probably a tracking cookie that’s being blocked in my browser or something. I just use Edge for files now.

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Hi @AdamJay
I’d love to download this but can’t get it to work. Not sure if it’s a browser issue as mentioned above, or if it’s something to do with my account.

Is there anywhere else this I can download this from, by any chance?

https://www.elektronauts.com/uploads/default/original/3X/4/6/463aabf413e57823e1d3a27f51cc924d1bf44cf0.wav is the direct link to the file in the files section.

afraid not

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I can’t donwnload from Firefox (62.0.3), but in chrome works well.

Thanks from this sample AdamJay!

Awesome- thank you!
@bradleyallen no luck for me in Firefox 62.0.3 64 bit.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Only had a quick chance to play with these, but like them a lot. Thanks @AdamJay !

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