OTO Biscuit

There’s a demo so you can try it before you buy it.

That’s what I did and I ended up not buying it :wink:

My reasons:

  • Drive is unoriginal
  • I’ve got Tritik Krush (excellent and free) and NI Bite (not bad but not free) for the bitcrushing job
  • The animator is not bad but frankly limited (2, 4, 6 or 8 steps of animation), not an odd rythm, the only way to make it sound not monotonous is to make it play random. But then I can do the same with a random LFO and one of the aforementioned plugins.
  • The Delay section is dull, or I didn’t understand its interest
  • The Wave section is the most interesting, but there’s a limited amount of curves so nah

Go check for yourself.

Thanks, doesnt sound too positive haha.
What about the filter?

I guess the logic bitcrusher is supposedly very good so perhaps better to keep my money in the bank :wink:

Not worth 79€ IMO, but to each is own, I don’t know the tools you already have.

you are probably right, thanks for controlling my digital GAS. i would be paying 80 bucks for the GUI and my love for the OTO boxes.

I owned the Biscuit twice. And sold it!? Bought the plugin perhaps two years ago. Haven’t used it much. I think the point with the Biscuit is the hands-on tweaking. Such a joy, I recall, to treat the MD with it.

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I tried the Biscuit plugin demo years ago but unfortunately don’t remember how it compared to my Biscuit, but I seem to remember it missing some of my favorite modes, like vibrato. Maybe that’s incorrect or perhaps it was added, but I think there are many other interesting bitcrushing options ITB. Permut8 might be worth checking out. I also use TAL DAC and Unfiltered Audio’s Dent. Biscuit’s filter is one of my favorites though, wish I remembered how the software compared.

I agree the filter is very sweet. Especially the band pass wit my quite high resonance.

I enjoy using Permut8 as well.

I really like Softube’s version of OTO Biscuit!

For my ears the filter is perhaps the most analog sounding software filter I’ve heard… I own a fair bit of software too.

I use it regularly.

My two bits!


I agree. Just. got the plugin for under $70 on sale. I own 2 OTO boxes so I know the OTO sound and this can do a fine job of getting there for a far lesser price than the hardware.

The filter is rather nice, reminds me a bit of my Boum. Ran a drum break through the step filter and it completely changed the character of it in a good way for me.


I too have the plugin and feel that the filter is nice and full of character. Offers lots of good sound options outside the filter too. Softtube always do such a good job with their hardware to vst implementations.


Hi. Where are you guys availing of the Softube Oto Biscuit sale price? It is still full price on their website for me. Perhaps it’s USA only.

Not sure if it’s region specific, but the code is from their mailing list: WASTEDSPACEOTO

Good through Oct 27 2022. Also knocks Wasted Space reverb down to $19.

I’ve been waiting for a sale like this on the Biscuit, and then fell into the hardware version a week ago in a trade. Now I’m not sure what to do, have both?

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couldnt resist, not sure if its worth 70 bucks but I bought it

Thank you :+1:

Matters how much you plan to use it. Its an awesome sample generator plus works great in a final mix down.


please elaborate, how do you use it in a final mix down? and how do you use it to generate samples?

Plop it on a track after a drum break or synth part or vocal - whatever. Tweak. record the result.

Final mix, use it to add movement to a sound with the filter or use its delay to add depth. Bitcrush a clean sound like cymbals or anything else. Basically use it to add that extra energy to a track that needs it.

These conversations regarding the Biscuit encourage me to try to add one to my setup.

I love the OTO boxes and have watched loads of Biscuit stuff.

These boxes appear quite irregularly though. :thinking:

For those of you who monitor the buying and selling of these boxes - What’s the going rate for one of these in good condition with the box etc?


Checking Audiofanzine’s argus I would say around 700€.


That website is a French guide for prices yeah?

Are there French websites that I could be searching to buy a Biscuit?