OTO Boum vs Heat: anyone using both?

I wish i knew enough to not have to look up what ‘lufs’ are just now.

The application would be for live jamming/streaming, not critical recording.
Would using an SSL SiX (or similar) with its bus compressor before the Heat be a better idea?

Lufs are sort of the average loudness of your track. That’s what streaming services will measure your track by and adjust its volume to automatically. When using any sort of mastering plugs I have it set to Lufs. Years ago it was RMS, now It’s Lufs.

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16 minutes explanation of LUFS and how the different meter choices compare. Chapter markers and Danny the instructor, is a pretty cool guy too.


@elxsound That’s a great video and all, but my post is also about 16 minutes long if you read it slow enough. :rofl:

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Not knocking it, but if you don’t know, would you learn even by reading your post over 16 minutes?

Metering can be tricky especially for those that don’t come from hardware backgrounds or are used to RMS. Peak meters might be the only easy one to grasp until someone mentions gain staging and talks about headroom.

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I was just joking around, The video is much more detailed than my explanation.

This is one helluva hangover, I’m still jazzed up from last night.

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Just to not be too off topic… I just bought Analog Heat. It arrived yesterday.

I’ve got Bam. Bim is arriving this week and I’d be lying if I said Boum wasn’t in my future.

Analog Heat made the most practical sense to buy first (for my needs) but how do you not go full on Pokémon and just stop at Bim and Bam?

This thread is going to help me develop a justification and hopefully a practical use for having both.


Haha. No worries. I’m recovering too. Sober night, but late fun after a long week. I’m definitely slow. Right now.


A compressor can help with some peaks to get a louder signal. SSL style compressors are known to be pretty neutral while on the master. I don’t have experience with high end ones. But I like the warm audio I have. It’s not a big difference when done modestly, but it does raise perceived levels.

LOL :joy: - me with 1010music hardware and Chase Bliss pedals


I’ve finally figured out a chain that can consistently deliver -12 LUFS with Waves Abbey Road TG Mastering and an L3-LL Ultramaximizer after my tweaked “Magnetic Master” preset on the Analog Heat and input sensitivity set on high. (Note: the XPS file will work with SoundGrid Studio or StudioRack.)

Let me know what you think.

DC HEAT.ahpst (468 Bytes)
DC DAWless Master.xps (45.6 KB)

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People pay that for Strymon, so why not OTO?

Personally I don’t think digital is always “worse” or should be necessarily cheaper than analog. I like digital stuff :man_shrugging: and I like analog too! :slight_smile:

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I thought about buying the heat for a long time but the Boum does everything I could need. The filter, distortion and compressor all get that sound I want for really processing my drum machines and bass into very unique tones. I think the Boum is perfect if you have something classic like a 909 and don’t want it to sound like everyone else’s 909 for example.

Been so focused on drum machines that I have not even tried it on my synths. That could be insanity as well. Its just an awesome machine. I can imagine my Take 5 with verb on it running into the Boum and then getting distorted as hell could be an amazing sound, for example.


Cool - its next on my hit list.

I was going to buy the BAM and BOUM but couldn’t resist the CMX1978

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I got a Boum today. Very, very happy. Wow. Syntakt into it sounds amazing.


Was just thinking the Rytm kicks would sound incredible though the Boum, not sure if that how’s your using it, but thats one thing I want to try.

Ran the Behringer 909 through my Boum today and this time have it routed through my interface so I can use it as an insert in Ableton and put it on anything I want. Latency at 32 is 89 samples if anyone cares. I tend to spend some time dialing that in so when I print the effect the timing of the drums stays the same and I get no phasing at all when I play the dry WAV with the processed one.

Anyway I love how loud the Boum can make a 909 kick without actually raising the volume. Some mild compression, maybe 2-3 ticks off and then some distortion with a some filter rolloff and the kick is just mean and massive compared to how it sounds normally out of the box. I ended up running the whole kit through the Boum and it really is great if you want a rolled off lo fi sound with some grit.

I was thinking about using the RYTMs main outs with compression and distortion on everything but I like the kick separate. Its nice to have the Boum for that so I can use the kick’s output channel that bypasses the effects and still dirty it up with analogue distortion. Plus I can add more meat to the bass after or whatever else.

Tried it on a light pad, but that wasn’t a great sound. To me the Boum works amazing on drums, bass, lead melodies, acid lines, or dirtying up effects sends. I think thats the best way to use it.

Real interested in how you use it on your Rytm.

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How are you liking the CMX1978? I almost bought it last year during Black Friday, because there were some great discounts via IG. That probably won’t go on discount like that again but worth looking for later this year if anyone needs a deal (they did 20% off IG shopping).

I had bought Bam in September last year after someone mentioned there wasn’t much headroom on the CMX1978. Headroom is a problem I have on Warped Vinyl and a problem I had with Blooper (before I sold Blooper). I absolutely love Bam, but I’ll still always wonder about the CMX1978.

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Bought a Boum from someone who was also selling his Heat MK2. Went for the Boum anyways as heat has too many features I don’t need.

Intention is mostly adding suble glue to mixes, mild saturation and loudness boost/ coherence.

It does it all very well without adding significant noise.

Square distortion is complete madness and I can hardly see any good use, but who knows :sweat_smile:

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Will be a good six weeks until I get the chance to try the CXM as ive grabbed it whilst on a trip overseas. Interesting about the headroom - I had not read about this

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