OTO Boum vs Heat: anyone using both?

I had the same headroom issue when I got the Warped Vinyl HiFi. Turns out there’s a trimpot inside that you can turn down to resolve the issue. I didn’t notice any headroom issue with the Blooper or CXM1978.


Thank you! I’d love to finally fix that on Warped Vinyl. I don’t have that issue on MOOD or Bliss Factory. I think I need to check CXM1978 in person.

Not that I need another option, but I can’t help wondering.


Now that you mention it, I have the opposite issue on my Mood but didn’t really have time to dig into it. My input volume is normal, but when I record on the Drolo side it comes out super quiet. Might just be user error but I’m gonna tinker with it tonight.

Had much fun yesterday evening with BOUM then AH behind the Syntakt.
I used Boum to add dirt, and make the sound more punchy.
And the Heat behind, to enhance the snare with a snappy filter + attack/release envelope follower…
The Heat is so precise, really love it!
You can drive the sound in a lot of directions…


I finally had the chance to try out a friends OTO Boum this weekend! It definitely beefed up the modular drums fed into it. I like the Elektron Analog Heat better.