it is like asking which one is better: table, chair or stairs :slight_smile:


seriously, for me they are the best is class for tabletop effects, only 19in rack stuff sounds better

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A similar but more specific question as @tendingtropic - which one is best for widening your sound and giving it movement? Bim or Bam?

Bam. Bim is more for surgical delays and very musical freezing. Bam is more like Quadraverb for making space

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I figured that much but I thought I’d ask in case there were some sunrises with the BIM that I wasn’t aware of. Thanks your input.

Im a delay junky. i’ve kept the Volante, El capistan, Dp4 and the BIM. BIM is my favorite delay of all time.
Its kinda expansive but true stereo, super versatile, sounds amazing and the thru mode is great for for drum.


In case this is of any use, I recently did a demo/walkthrough of my BIM paired with a Digitakt for my YouTube show. Went through all the presets and did some light commentary. Hope it helps!


I got BIM when it came out and it’s still my favorite non-guitar pedal hardware delay. It has a smooth decay I haven’t heard in anything else. Timing offset settings give a nice stereo spread, and the distorted delay sounds great. I often used it 100% wet to give sounds a 12-bit vibe. Some cool SRR sounds with the delay time knob turned far clockwise are available as well. Amazing vibrato and chorus sounds to be had as well (and some dirty limiting when the input gain is pushed). I’m listening to @Duskmos’ video above and it does a great job at capturing its vibe. The dot-diving isn’t too bad but now that I think of it, I’m not sure which lfo shapes the dots represent, but it’s easy to hear what’s happening so has never been an issue for me.

BAM is a great sounding reverb that I think would make many happy but I fell out of love with it when I got Valhalla VintageVerb and Soundtoys Little Plate. For me it mostly comes down to how they react to transients. BAM’s Room algo sounds incredible to me, and retains the transients fairly well, while all the others smear the transients in a way I’m just not into. :woman_shrugging:. They’re great for big, long decay sounds and the chorus algorithm is pretty unique sounding. I’d actually really like to try a DBA Rooms.

BOUM is an awesome warming unit. I liked the uh, Round Fuzz setting on Analog Heat for its craziness but don’t use those sounds in my music, and I didn’t care for the sound of the other circuits. Not that they’re bad… I actually think AH is a killer hardware distortion unit, but I was looking for something else and Boum delivered. Boum is a cool compressor, the filter is smoooooth, and the distortion is nice at the first setting, for me. Beyond that it just gets harsh, which can actually be really cool when tamed with the filter and mix knob, but I generally used it on its more subtle settings, so it’s not the most versatile unit.

Anyway, sorry for the blobs of text. OTO stuff is cool but Biscuit is likely all I’ll be holding on to (and maybe BIM). They’re hard to beat for hardware devices, but my preference these days is software (it helps that I’m not playing live lately). I mentioned Valhalla but Goodhertz Megaverb has been my go-to lately, and I completely stopped using Boum the day their Tupe beta dropped. I haven’t found a plugin delay that quite does what BIM does though.


I’ve ordered quite a few things from Juno to Aus. They’re great! Bear in mind you won’t get local power adapters so need to request them separately or use an international power adapter. I have a power block with 4 euro slots so I can run international stuff - seems the easiest solution!

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without sounding like a plug. My max4live devices solve this issue and they are all free , donation optional :stuck_out_tongue:



OTO machines come with 3 adapter.

If you buy from the website directly you can choose the AUS adapter.

what do you do with the thru mode for drums? im intrigued

don’t apologize, thank you for the heaps of text!
I wonder, what do you use BOUM on? (since you say the filter is so good). Masterbus? or on instruments/drums?

OTO got back to me. They’re about to release a new BAM batch, so I’ll wait.
I promise I won’t let it go :roll_eyes: again.

Now in stock, Melbourne.


I had it on my mixer’s master insert, often with master bus duties on subtle settings, but I think it’s more interesting used on individual sounds or groups. Sounds so good on drums, love it on synth pads, but my favorite use was making rich, almost analog sounding basses processing Digitone. That’s where the filter was most useful, but it’s also the perfect LPF for sweeping through a whole mix, if that’s your thing.


When boosting the volume you can get interesting result with the ‘delay’ knobs that change the sample rate. Crunchy 12 bits sounds.


Hi everyone,

Feel like an idiot but can’t seem to figure the midi on the BOUM somehow!

I’ve broken it down so just have the midi out from the OT into the BOUM, both set to channel 16 - have a trigless trig set, midi filtering is off on the boum, yet it’s still not receiving anything.

It must be something very obvious, any ideas?

**and have troubleshooted by plugging in another pedal in place of the boum, same settings and all good, so the issue must be how I’ve set the boum up?


Well I turned everything off and had a cup of tea, went back and now it’s working - anyone had this kind of inconsistency during use?

It could well be the midi filter somehow got switched on

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Fascinating. I just ordered a BAM because I love VintageVerb (probably my favorite reverb ever) and I was hoping to get some of that flavor without turning on the computer. Hope I’m not too disappointed!

In a way I’m surprised by what you wrote about the room setting, since I would expect transients to get muddied by early reflections, and would expect less of that in, say, a hall algorithm compared to a room or a plate. I’ll be interested to experiment with mine soon!