I went back to the BAM almost specifically for that "smear"ing-in of the effect at zero delay, which is extremely fast at zero delay, and can soften extremely short-intense transients but only in the reverb of course. I find it works beautifully on synth patches that have transients which I don’t want ringing out and dominating the reverb. The transient is still there, just slightly dampened. With the Ventris reverb, at zero delay the transient is completely there in the reverb and can dominate it, but dialling in delay doesn’t soften it, instead producing a doubled transient.
It can help transients, in the BAM, to keep the high filter completely open and the Dampen at zero, but then you’re trading-off one thing for another.
Anyway, I have both the reverb units permanently on the mixer now, because neither has the best of both worlds.

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Most likely man, I did check that a couple of times - but no other reason for it - anyway, all good now :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just got a BOUM, and it sounds great with my Roland TD-50 drum brain. It gives those rather crisp drum kits more varied personalities. I wonder how an Analog Heat would compare.

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Different animals , i tend to use Heat for distortion on instruments , i tend to use Heat on the master/busses

Sorry for the noob questions

Does passing a signal through the BIM down sample the audio to 12bit in the same way if you did this itb through something like TAL dac or another similar crusher ?

From reading the thread is the BAM along similar vibes as a quadraverb ? Interested as always chasing that old early 90’s warp records sound

I’m guessing you mean BOUM for instruments and Heat for buses. But I wonder if Heat will sound good (at least in its own way) with my drum brain.

The BAM is modeled after the early digital reverbs of the late 70’s and early 80’s, like the old Lexicon’s. If you were looking for the Quadraverb sound, then just pick up an old used one, as you can get them for cheaper than the BAM.

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nope i like them that way around! I tend to use Heat like distortion pedals and Boum subtle

You wrote that you use Heat for both distortion on instruments and on the master/buses, and you didn’t mention Boum. I thought it was a typo. So you mean that you use Heat for everything, then you sometimes add Boum to the same chain, in series?

Oh sorry your right apologies. Heat on instruments and boum on bus /master for me. Derp!

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People seem to prefer BOUM over Heat for instruments, but not for any particular reason. I wonder how Heat sounds with drums and percussion.

It sounds great


I can now affirm that Heat sounds great. Also, in series with BOUM.


hmm interesting, @blipson -> how did you serie/pair them? boum first? or heat first?

I have a luxury problem, curious to hear your thoughts: I have a few synths (e.g. vermona perfourmer, prophet 6, octatrack, rytm, novation peak, moog sub 37)

I ordered the model 1 mixer; which ‘only’ has 2 send/returns (stereo)

I have the BIM/BAM/BOUM, and Heat

how would you set this up:

  1. BAM (reverb) as send effect, and BOUM as send effect, and Heat on master out (and BAM individually on a synth)
  2. BIM and BAM as send effects, and then BOUM and Heat in series on master. Downside of this is that everything goes through BOUM, which makes the sidechain compression function less useful. (if I use it as a send then I could choose not to send the drums through it)

What would you do? thanks!

try to play with both configurations to see what you really need.
How about chaining bim->bam on single send pair?

I would put on master only devices with true relay bypass, does Heat has that?

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@tendingtropic, yeah, just try it. I’m away from my main location right now, and I forget how I hooked them up. I just threw them together quickly. I’ll have to experiment myself to see what I like.

Model 1 has analog overdrive on every channel, including the returns. and you’ve got two shit-hot saturation devices on top of that. so yeah… you’re gonna have to experiment! :rofl:

me, I’d probably start by putting Bim and Bam each on their own aux/return line and send to 'em on the fly for some fills/builds/madness/etc. then the Boum on the master. I think that with so much EQ tweaking within the mixer, and filters on each channel and the master, the Heat is less necessary on the master. and maybe not super necessary at all within the context of performing with such a mixer. compared to sending to Bim and Bam, at least. and then you’ve also got the option of sending to/from the OT, which is a whole 'nother world to explore within this setup…

but yeah, there’s a lot to play around with and explore there. have fun and please share!

after I wrote my post I actually thought of this to, to chain BIM and BAM. Only thing is you lose some flexibility here on what you want to delay/reverb and how much (if doing it with different synths).

And the last part, good question, I know the analog heat has an ‘active/bypass’ switch, but if its relay, don’t know… the manual doesnt clarify (only says its bypass mode). Why doest this matter?

Thanks for your time, great suggestion, and you’re right, I’m slowly considering selling the heat.
and damn, thats a good suggestion; I could send cue B out (third send) to the octatrack, and run the outputs of octa through boum and/or heat first. that way it kinda acts like a third send/return!

well, let’s not get crazy here! :laughing:

I just meant there’s a lot of overlap with the Heat in that setup. on paper, at least. once you start using the mixer, the Heat and B/B/B’s may well shine in ways we’re not thinking of right now. or you may want to reserve them for other tasks outside of more performative work with a DJ mixer.