Decorate it with labels. I’ve also stuck the various values for each dot on the sides of it too.


If you have zero clue about compression and want to get an idea, this is the best 20 minutes you’ll ever waste


Interesting discussion about the UI without specific numbers, labelling or screen. I actually really love the Boum UI! For the BAM funnily enough I was more annoyed by it, because I just can’t remember the ±7 different Reverb algos. But for the Boum it’s perfect to me (I can remember four:)

I think maybe why it works for me, as someone who’s not an expert in compression (but have the basics down), is that usually with numbered devices I would probable copy people’s settings that I read about to be good. Here with Boum I just need to follow my ears. For example in how I use the low cut filter, or how high I set the compression (compressing lots more than I’ve ever set my RNCA).

I’m sure there’s some sort of medication that could help with my labelling addiction


Wow, great job labelling your Boum! How do you use it? End of chain mastering or as an effect insert?

Me neither. Like @JamesM, I wrote them down and put it on the side, it’s sufficient to have this little cheat sheet to remind them when needed.
I like the cryptic display, it lets me focus on the audio side.

Maybe it adds some unnecessary complexity though.
I don’t know, I like it.
Wouldn’t be the same if the sound wasn’t ace ^^

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Yes to all that and more. When you get the hang of how to use it delicately there’s nothing you can’t use it for. Most recently I’m stuffing around with it as a Cab Sim for guitar and Bass.

I’ve not found the need to do this personally but it looks very cool!

Out of interest do you find it helps to actually know that detail? I adjust mine with my ears and the threshold display I couldn’t tell you the difference between 50ms or 100ms otherwise haha If I need my gain to be higher I bump it a notch, doesn’t matter much to me that it’s exactly 6db etc.

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Nope :rofl:
It was just the led numbers at first, and too much time in lockdown took care of the rest.


haha as I say looks great either way :joy:

Thanks JamesM, Boum sounds like a versatile tool. The new UA Max and Endorph.es Goldern Master pedals are pretty interesting too.


this is sexy to me :joy: :sparkling_heart:

One question regarding the BAM: Does it sum the dry input to mono for the reverb effect and does is sum the wet output to mono if only one output is used? Meaning if I use the BAM in kill-dry mode and have two inputs and only one output connected, is the reverb tail the summed wet signal of the two input signals? Thanks!

Same here, I’ve grown to quite like the minimal UI and I find the values of each parameter very easy to remember as I’m using the Boum constantly. And TBH I don’t even care about the numerical values anymore. It’s forcing me to make decisions based on listening and I like that. It’s a keeper for sure.


It’s interesting how it’s a thin line. I recently bought a BIM, and there it’s already slightly harder, with the larger amount of dots that represent the division/duration values that I find harder to grasp purely by listening.

Yeah, I imagine there’s a tipping point there somewhere. I don’t have a BIM, but I do have a BAM. Haven’t used that as much as the BOUM yet, so the jury is still out on that one re: muscle memory and intuition. I did see someone mention earlier in the thread that they found that one harder to grok as well.

Yeah boum is quite easy to manage. Bam is also doable. Except for the reverb types. But I guess I’ll be able tonrember it eventually. But if you don’t use it for a month or less often it’s easy to forget. Same goes for presets. I don’t use it often but names are way easier to remember obviously then a dot system. If you have a variety of presets for certain situations, good luck. (Note pad solves this of course :wink: ).

I had bim in the past and there it’s indeed a bit too annoying imho. Great sounding delay of course and I’m actually considering adding it :grimacing::sweat_smile:

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It really is great sounding and to play isn’t it.

In its defence, most parameters are fine with the dots. So only one or two (time/division) would need some active remembering or a small note/tape to the side. (Added: It might also become easier when I start understanding the logic between tap tempo and these modes - does tap tempo just reset the timing division or does it subdivide it? Starting to think it’s nót the second)

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Tap tempo resets the timing division

I just bought a used Boum and testing it out.

Getting a lot of noise and I don’t know if it’s normal behavior.

The Boum is inserted between my mixer and my daw. The input gain is at the lowest level. The noise is louder with harsher distortion and pumps with compression. The noise is very audible with the output at 100%, better at 75, but still there.

When I unmute some hats I instantly hear continuous noise behind the hats. The noise continues even if I stop the sequencer.

If I mute the hats and unmute a synth, I don’t hear the white noise.

I don’t hear any noise in the dry setting. I also reproduced the noise with a drum machine direct into the daw without the mixer.

The Boum seems to be very highly regarded and I don’t see a lot of similar complaints online. Hope the problem is me!

Any Boum owner experience? Is this normal and I just need to use heavy noise gating with distortion? Doesn’t seem like it should be necessary

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