@DaveMech Thanks for the very nice and interesting video about the Boum! I’d say it still does a very good job compared to the IMC considering the price difference, even despite the transients and lack of EQ.

(PS, your last chapter is named “Clopsing remoarks”, I think you mean “Closing remarks” :wink:)

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I wish there was something as well presented as this when I got mine. I could only use it on a single track for ages. More recently I’ve been using it in a bit of an odd way, to re-master old albums like Unknown Pleasures that famously gets a lot of criticism for being too thin and “digital sounding”. Just the kind of odd things my brain makes me do.


Things like the Boum unfortunately require more knowledge about what the parameters do than on a reverb or a delay. Sure, you can experiment yourself through the process but the effect on the sound is not always as obvious when subtle settings are required. That’s not to say that using reverb or delay for glue or size would be obvious and would not require more subtle settings. You can just more simply pull or stumble on a result.

A more accessible user interface would probably help tremendously for Boum-like devices, though experts would be unhappy if they did not find their unmusical expert parameters named as they “should” be.

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To be honest - first I hated - but now I love the cryptic display approach of the OTO devices.

It forces you to use your ears instead of your eyes since no numbers (and expectations connected to those) distract you from the sound you are hearing. It’s painful first but helps a lot when you get used to it.


Agreed, the other machine are ok but Boum suffers from a critic display.

Get ye behind me, satan! The cryptic display is the last ledge between me and an abyss of spilling money into a Bam and probably a Boum. If it’s actually a feature, I’m lost!! :wink:


Of course using your ears is key but knowing the numbers doesn’t really prevent from listening. It’s pretty much a choice :). The thing I don’t like about it is that sometimes I simply know that I want to use a 1ms attack. And in stead of immediately being able to dial that in, I have to count the dots, por grab the manual if I forgot. Which takes me out of the flow sometimes.


Thanks for the heads up!

Thought about changing it but it’s such a nice typo/autocorrect fail that I’m going to leave it in there and probably use it for future videos as well :grin:


Your next album title :laughing:

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Of course, you’d also have to trust the device to be accurate about its implementation of this 1ms. If it did 2ms instead, without you knowing, would you be able to hear the difference? :wink:

My problem is I don’t get into my studio regular, usually only on a weekend and sometimes that’s staggered, therefore looking at Dots ain’t practical if you can’t remember what they mean. I’m digging for the manual every time I use it.

Sometimes I look at my Bam and think f@ck it I’ll use Quadraverb instead as I can’t be bothered digging out a manual (It sounds better anyway)


Not really the point :slight_smile: Sometimes I want to dial in the 1ms option on the OTO boum specifically. Still have to remember which dot it is.
When you learn an instrument/effect after some time you lean towards a few settings that are working well in a lot of cases right? This also applies to certain time divisions for delays, certain types of reverb, certain attack/release etc. Certainly with compression, which in itself is a pretty exact endeavour to get right.

It’s not the worst GUI by all means, but a bit more indication would have been nice. Elektron doesn’t give you exact numbers either for anything like filters and compression. But the display makes it easier to dial in specific settings that work for certain type of situations.

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To each their own but I personally prefer interfaces that leave much to the imagination. I hate spending time thinking about what info is in front of em rather than listening to the music. Also great video @DaveMech


Thanks :slight_smile:

Totally get where you’re coming from. To me it’s not an either/or thing though.

Any love for adding the Boum in a Elektron setup in addition to the AH?
Say digitone>heat>digitakt>boum or ?

Very nice, thank you!

I picked one up the other day, arrives tomorrow - sold my AH a couple months ago and is the only thing that I’ve let go of recently that I’ve missed, but never loved it. I mostly used it to beef up the A4 and use as a master filter. This seems like it should be a much better fit for my setup and goals.

We are creatures of habit. Therefore, I am positive that I’m doing the same most the time as well, perhaps even when I’d like to think that I’m not. I have zero clue about compression though, despite having read about its parameters many times. As an amateur musician, I focus mainly on songwriting and live performance, so I tend to delegate any production related task to the professional :slight_smile: Maybe I should become more serious about compression :cool:

No worries I get what you mean and I understand your complaint.

It’s always about choice - as part of a decision making process.

Use your knowledge of what works - which is always a good thing - and dial in eyactly known numbers which is called experience and knowledge to get the expected outcome.
I like tools that fit in that approach if I want that.

But I also like the unknown.

And sometimes there is that scenarion where you just use your guts and ears (ofc depending on your listening situation and acoustic treatment) to try what fits in the moment.
Does not necessarily mean sticking to the “rules” in your head rather than just deciding on the “I-like-it-even-if-it’s-contrary-to-the-ruleset”.

Listening to Burial taught me that. OTO devices give me that freedom.

Is OTO going to debut their mixer at Superbooth? NAMM seems incredibly weak.


a slight bit off topic, but as owner of both if you want something with a little more precision/near mastering level quality elysia xpressor would be a great choice