Outdoor Show Power Advice Needed

Ive got a live outdoor show in Cannock Chase which is a forest. Im doing it with a few mates and were thinking of running gear off one of these


Would this be enough power for a speaker set up and a few synths etc?


Depends on:

  1. What speaker set up do you plan to use?
  2. How big of a crowd?
  3. How long do you intend to play.
  4. What synths are you using?

You should be able to get a rough estimate of your needs once you tally up how much of a draw and for how long.

I’ve powered a small pedalboard and battery powered amp, played guitar and sang through it for over two hours using a couple of 20k mAh chargers. But that was a backyard party with about 20 people. Plus, it wasn’t dance party loud.

It would not fly at Glastonbury …. :crazy_face:

Thanks. Its in a small clearing and will have about 100 people. 4 medium sized speakers in the trees i guess. A Nord stage 3. A Prophet 5 and an Analogue Rhythm. There will also be a guest singer were hoping to entice. It will be about 1 hr.

Where is this show going to be? I wanna come, haha. Sounds like my type of hang. Did a show once in the forest years ago and it was so fun. acoustic guitar and vocals though.

Cannock Chase which is in Staffordshire. Plenty of booze and hippy talk.:slight_smile:

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Close to £1.5k on a power supply power seems a bit OTT. Or are you renting?

I know but its going to be used a bit over next 2 years. Sort of an investment. Just need to know if its powerful enough for a small stage setup? Cheers.

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It should do you well.

As an example: I have a Stagepas 300 PA. It is rated at 70 watts. If you look at the Amazon website, Anker is calculating batter life as hours = 1229 watt hours X [.8 /watt draw of device]

That gives you about 14 hours.

So if you find out the watts needed for your amplifier plus your other equipment you can get a rough estimate (assuming optimum conditions).

I doubt your synths draw anything close to that PA system. You should have plenty of play time.

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Thanks. Good to know a comparison. Years ago everything was huge to get a stage rig setup. Now its much easier to manage.

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Would like to revive this thread. Was just chatting in the pub with my mate about this

Would like to do a live jam in the park with some friends

So I’m thinking,
Audio interface that runs off usb power,maybe like 6 inputs which is connected to a portable speaker
Keys,model samples,microfreak, bass and guitar,ipad maybe with aum??

Needs to be budget friendly!

Would a focusrite 18i8 3rd gen run off a USB battery run for long?

Maybe ipad with aum and interface and a bunch of stuff connected that way

Doesn’t need to be that loud or last that long, a few hours jam outdoors in the summer sounds fun so just wondering about logistics here or what I’m not considering

Any advice appreciated, thanks