Over bridge idiot

Hi people I’m after a little assistance - I’m trying to get my AR to work in Sonar but I’m getting no audio signal - meters show a level in the OB software but I get no sound. Also get no sound on audio tracks in Sonar. I’ve set up the main L and R out and in on OB software. I’m waiting on an Overhub and plan to incorporate the AR and AK into my setup via OB but I’m stumped from the get go. Probably something simple - I’m a computer/tech idiot - but I thought I’d ask anybody who has experienced the same, or who has ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Maybe I’m an idiot but all these people who claim overbridge inside not supported DAW (I say that because I see only Ableton in the Overbridge manual and see a lot of people complain on that subject so…) Have you tried to put overbridge in an official supported software and get it by Rewire in your DAW of choice ?
Maybe it’s a lead to get what you want … so THEN you get your level meter…
I use Ableton (+overbridge) and Reason in Rewire inside Ableton but you can use Sonar and Ableton in Rewire too (Normally)

Well if my DAW aint supported thatll explain it then…
Best get Abelton - or change my plans. Pain in the ass being clueless. Shoulda stuck to planks n strings :))))

I think yes but I may mistake on that…

Inside Sonar make sure you insert the Overbridge VST instrument.
For my Sonar setup no sound comes out of the Overbridge instruments (AR and RYTM) until the the Overbridge VST instrument corresponding to the AR or RYTM is added. Yes, I can see the level meters moving but without sound within the Overbridge application.