Over-ear COMFORTABLE headphones under 100€?

These are actually really good. And only $13
Sony MDR-G45LP. Great for outdoors, sound awesome. No worries about taking them out.

a little more serious…
Grado SR-80e. LOTS of bang for the buck. $99
Sound amazing.


Have you tried the 7510? They feel a little more comfy than the 7506, but some just as good. Perfect for those times you wake up at 3AM to use the bathroom and can’t go back to sleep.

The OP specifically requested over ear, not on-ear.

I still see it as over not in.
The Grado are over.

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The Grados definitely do not sit around the ear - they sit on top of the ear, pressing on it. The Beyerdynamics sit around the ear, not touching it at all in most cases.

In case you’re confused: http://www.audiogurus.com/learn/headphones/in-ear-on-ear-over-ear-headphones/208

The Grados are NOT over-ear (circumaural). They are on-ear (supraural).

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thats okay. I still consider that over rather than in
they still sound considerably better.

Check this out…

There are foam that can put the can further from the ear should you want or need it. But you really dont when it comes to these.

I think you’re missing the point.

The point for most people is that they don’t like how their ear feels when something is pressing on it. It has nothing to do with how good the 'phones sound or not. It has to do with what’s comfortable to one person or another. For instance, I cannot wear on-ear headphones for more than a few minutes without excruciating pain. I don’t care what kind they are or how nice they sound. So, I need circumaural (or in-ear) headphones or I won’t be wearing headphones at all.

So for those who don’t want supra-aural headphones, there’s nothing you can do to make a pair of supraural headphones work for them short of completely reengineer them to be not-supra-aural. But the entire driver architecture needs to change because the volume of air that’s being driven has changed, and this will alter the frequency response, power transfers, and other characteristics of the setup.

And yes, the industry as a whole recognizes this and that’s why the terms are different and not interchangeable. :slight_smile:

This is exactly my experience. ^^^

My ears start to burn and my head feels like it’s in a vice.
First headphones that didn’t do that were the Bose noise cancelling once that retail $300.
That’s what got me on over ear HPs.

Mind you it’s me, my youngest son can wear them all morning…(Sony)

Maybe it could be the leather? or whatever material it, could be an allergy. Anyway I ordered a pair of foam replacement and will see how that feels like.

It might be the pads and how they hit your ear. Whenever shopping for headphones it’s always good to check if there’s aftermarket pads available for your ears. Sometimes it requires going through a few google search pages but it’s all there if you search for it.

Let´s get back to this :wink:

I need new Headphones too. I´ve testet countless now. AT m50x, AKG k712, Beyerdynamic dt770 and 880… to be honest they all are not very comfortable to me. I too have a pair of Bose QC Headphones which i can wear all day long with absolutly no problem. SO there is a way to design Headphones that don´t hurt. I just can´t get my Head around why all the others cant. Even the Beyers are rather strong on the Head and the Ear Pads are Round thus squishing on the jar.

Maybe i will check out Sennheisers…would use the Bose, but they are really more for listening on the go. The noise canceling is producing hiss and the frequency curve is rather non flat.

For comfort purposes and obviously not for accurate referencing, i’ve found the original Bose Triport TR-1a to be unbeatable. So much so, I often fall asleep with them on in bed and wake up the following morning with them still on!
None of this noise cancelling malarkey and the real bonus is you can pick them up on ebay for next to nothing.
I’ve had a pair for 15 years for everyday on the go use (replace the cushions every few years) and they’re still going strong.

Looks good, but isn‘t there something like this which you can still buy new. In case of headphones i am a little picky when it comes to used ones.
There has to be something like this. Comfortable, whithout noise canceling. I can not understand why its so commonthat people having problems wearing their cans for longer periods. Whats all the good sound for if you cannot use them long???

Any thoughts?

Reviving this topic to ask about headphones for glasses-wearers. I have some MDR-7506s, and they’re great, but they press my ears onto the arms of my specs, and from there, against my head. It gets painful really fast.
