Overbridge 1.10 Not-So-Mega thread : (

I guess the Mega thread was intended to share the joys
Might be easier to find/resolve issues with an issues-centric thread

Known Issues presented at end of post

Anyone using Max/MSP care to disprove & help solve this (or concur) …

[li]The VST does not work properly ![/li]
[li]The AU does not even load ![/li]

The machines can be changed but normal parameters can not, no use for editing then (used to work)
The system tray UI is still broken

The AU does not load (also used to have issue 1 above, so was previously useless) … Now reports that the plugin does not contain a valid audiounit

Max has become very crashy negotiating these plugins too

OB 1.10 Max 7.22 Mavericks - all up to date

Plugins work perfectly fine in another undesirable host, so it’s not an installation/hardware issue and an uninstall/re-install made no odds

     CHECK against these before posting

Known Issues : 1 May 2016

The following list summarizes the currently known issues or compatibility problems. Elektron is working hard to resolve all remaining problems together with DAW manufacturers and plugin developer community.

Known Issue: The total recall option “Sync automatically on save” may cause your host to freeze its GUI for up to 10 seconds each time your project is saved. Therefore, the automatic sync feature is to be considered experimental, and Elektron recommends that you do manual re-sync of the total recall state instead. This will be addressed in a coming Overbridge update.

Known Issue: If the device is re-connected or restarted during a plugin session where total recall is enabled, you need to interact with the Total Recall menu in the machine LCD display after each re-connection, to let the machine know if you want to keep the working copy of the project that is stored in the machine, or if you want to revert to what is stored in the plugin.

Known Issue: The Song Pos synchronization mode is still to be considered experimental in certain host applications. Clock Sync is generally more robust.

Known Issue: Logic Pro does not support sidechain inputs to synthesizer plugins well. Latency compensation is not performed on the source audio track. Overbridge therefore disables the audio processing functinality in Logic Pro host.

Known Issue: In Logic Pro, the Elektron sequencer synchronization may not perform according to your expectations. This is due to Logic’s quite aggressive plugin buffering system. Elektron is working on improving this in future versions, but until then you may get better results sequencing the machines from within Logic rather than from the Elektron sequencer.

Known Issue: Several VST2 hosts have problems supporting the plugin sidechain inputs, so routing audio through the machine may only work in certain hosts. Ableton Live is an example of a host that has excellent support for this feature.

Known Issue: Several DAWs have internal limitations regarding how many automation parameters you can use at the same time. For example, in Ableton Live, the maximum number of parameters will be 128.

Known Issue: In Cubase 7 and above, the ASIO Guard mechanism must be turned off. Known Issue: In Cubase, the plugins currently expose only a stereo main output bus, and hide the individual output buses due to severe incompatibility problems.

Known Issue: If your host supports both Audio Unit and VST, Elektron usually recommends using the VST version.

Known Issue: In Max and Studio One, the Audio Unit plugins are known not to work well.

Known Issue: If you experience USB communication problems, slow response in the plugins, or artifacts in the audio streams from the device, please try to reduce the number of audio channels for that device in the Overbridge Control Panel. Depending on your computer OS, as well as the drivers for your USB Host Controller port (on Windows), you may experience bandwith-related limitations and problems. This is especially true if using a USB hub.

Known Issue: Mac OS X El Capitan has introduced a new USB stack. There is no guarantee that you will be able to use and allocate as many audio channels with this Overbridge version as you previously could, even if your configuration is otherwise the same.

very interesting, especially the known issues about logic :frowning:

i’m really concerned about the cubase situation…for me,OB was mainly used for having multiple outs…cause i was running out of inputs and a4 even has no physicle multiple outs…i wonder why elektron is calling this release “out of beta”…

Just tried to use multi-outs in Cubase 8 this morning, was confused as it used to work prior to upgrading.

Good to see the issue has been reported already, I hope they can patch it fairly soon.

Super stoked on the update, I’m sure these hiccups will be sorted as soon as they can get to it.