Overbridge 2.0.37: tech discussion

Strange. None of my elektron devices are being picked up after 2.0.37 install.

Anyone else see this? It was fine with the last beta. Now, there’s no communication apparently.

Were there firmware updates for the devices required to work with OB 2.0.37?

Oh no! That sucks. That happened to me after my first install. I uninstalled it again and this time unplugged the AH from the usb and the next time it worked correctly. Strange, the first time it was working fine and then the vst didn’t recognize the AH. Further up the thread people have had to uninstall and re-install. Some a few times.

Someone should definitely start a thread with all the things people have to do to get this thing working correctly.

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Yes happened to me as well, resintall did the trick. I think it’s part of the game that Elektron let you find out about those things xD you must earn it…

Was watchin your YT vid’s earlier. I’m hesitating to install 2.0 public because overbridge seem to work ok. The only thing I’m curious about: Does this release solve the 18 track crazyness. I mean when i have to record DT in realtime (Studio one) i’ll have to route the 9 vst outputs to 9 additional audiotracks so 1 DT has a spread over 18 faders to be able to record. It seems that you just arm corresponding tracks and be able to record straight away! That’s awesome

Im not using the DT as soundcard Btw

I’ve only used Overbridge in Ableton and Logic. Ableton’s the easiest for sure.

Perhaps i’m missing something @DaveMech ?

Here also, Overbridge used to recognize Analog Heat MkII in Windows 10 and now it does not.

Hope the new update come soon and repaird this.

I am using Overbridge version

uninstall everything and reinstall from scratch, it worked for me like this


Yes, it is now recognized. I had to go to System/USB Config/ And Tested the Midi then the interface and returning again to overbridge and now it is recognized. On each config type I turn it off and on the Analog Heat MkII.

Now I am going to Presonus hope this works. I am very excited :wink:

I got my DTakt working with LPX. Yay!

BUT (very large),

Does anyone else notice that the noise floor is really high? Like if you start to compress anything it really pops out. It might be because the signal coming out of the Digitakt is really low. Does anyone else notice this or have a fix?

Luckily I put some rx7 on there and clean it all up. BUT that does degrade the signal a little bit. I’m curious if anyone else has this problem? :grinning:

Edit: The noise was in my samples, not the digitakt.

There is a thread on here on that exact subject. Couldnt find it myself, but basically it talked about using a “Utility” effect in Ableton (You would have to find something similar in another DAW) to add amplitude to each track. There was a really long argument about why Elektron made the noise floor so low…
Anyways, use a "“utility” (basically an amp) effect in Ableton and turn up each channel to where you wan them to be.

Unfortunately raising the gain in the track wont change the ratio between the noise floor is at and the top of the signal. When you start compress it or, or throw OTT on it the noise is very much there. Totally a bummer. They should fix it. Or give an option to increase the volume going out. There seems to be an option like that in my settings, but when I increased it, it doesn’t seem to do anything. I’ll look for the thread. Thank you!!!

Edit: The noise was in my samples, not the digitakt.

What noise? Can you give us a recording?

Digitakt is digital, playing digital samples, sending the audio digitally via OB. This is why utility devices in Live are recommended for gain because there should be no noise to boost.

Not that it should matter, but are you using a lot of overdrive?
Any noise would be in the sample in the first place.


Very strange because the beta versions were perfect in recognizing all the connected devices.

Did you re-plug the devices after the reinstall was done?

Yes, of course I plugged the AH usb back in after the reinstall was done. After that I had to do some other adjustments to make it work, but now it’s working fine.

This might be really too obvious but i made the mistake of having the OB control panel app open but not having the engine app running. Did my head in for a little while…

OB engine should launch on startup (unless you’ve chosen otherwise)

I can get it working in Standalone mode but in Ableton Live it is just unresponsive. The plugin for my A4mk2 shows the device but is unresponsive, whereas the plugin for the Rytm mk1 says ‘no device detected’. I have installed as per the manual instructions, and started the OB engine. Plugins are all in the correct folders and updated. Any ideas?