Overbridge 2.0.60 glitches / sync issues during recording with Analog Rytm MK2 (OS 1.61B, Windows)

Hi guys,
I recently loaded OS 1.61B on the Rytm MK2 and upgraded the Overbridge to version 2.0.60.
Now I have the problem that while recording in Ableton (10 Live) glitches and sync problems appear randomly.

I have already dealt with various USB problems, without hub, different jacks…
But the problem persists.
I don’t think it’s my Computer, the device is robustly equipped, I’ve never had problems with it,
even when recording 16 tracks at the same time, the CPU utilization is never higher than 15%.

It is quite noticeable that the problem only appeared with OS 1.61B / Overbridge 2.0.60,
can anyone here help or does anyone have the same issues?

Thank you

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Hi, having the same issue here. Using a Rytm with Overbridge and my Octatrack is receiving sync from the Rytm (both Mk1s). Have also tried Octa through my audio interface midi as well, same issue. The sync is pretty inconsistent at best, with audible slow down on occassion, and eventually a sound glitch will occur leading to dysynchronisation that remains. Seems to occur randomly. Have tried higher buffer sizes to no avail.

Did you ever find a solution to this?

Hi, I contacted the Elektron Customer support and told them about the issue. They quickly responded this:


It sounds like you may be experiencing a known bug, that we are currently evaluating a fix for. We hope to release that fix very soon. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.
What version of Overbridge and Analog Rytm MKII OS were you using before upgrading? I can send these versions over. We generally do not recommend downgrading as project data can become corrupted. You will also not be able to load projects that have been saved after upgrading to OS 1.61B, so I recommend that you back up work that is important to you before downgrading."

So it looks like we should be patience and wait for the next OS upgrade. Sounds like we don’t have to wait for long :slight_smile:

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Same problem with the new overbridge and new firmware

I tried it now and ran it at full load, recording Overbridge Rytm and Digitone together.
If I let the patterns run through and mute a few tracks, nothing happens, if I perform live with the Scenes, there are glitches here and there.
So it does not run really smoothly, but much more stable than before.

what kind of DAW do you use?

Ableton Live 11.0.12

Have you tried Live 11.1?

No, it’s better ?

I don’t think so. I use ableton Live 10 and I don’t have bigger issues. Makes no sense that it wouldn’t un with Ableton 11.

sorry I won’t be at my machine to test the new FW for a while. however i’m super curious- with the new update can we jump to a middle of a pattern/bar in the DAW without AR playing out of sync?