Overbridge 2.0 Beta with Analog Heat Mk2 in Cubase 6 [resolved]

Hi, i just got the Analog Heat MK2 yesterday. I got curious if i could test overbridge on it. I first testet Overbridge 1.15, but that didnt work as it never found the Heat. After some googling i found out that that the Firmware 1.10 wasnt supported on OB 1.15.

So upgraded my old OSX to 10.12 so i could try OB2. I havent upgraded OSX in a long time, since everything was working fine. So i was pretty exited to see how much trouble i was in! And after some new drivers for my RME Fireface, everything looked fine. And i was ready to install Overbridge 2.0 beta!

Installation went fine, and i could connect to the Heat via Overbridge Engine, and Overbridge Control Panel. Even the standalone Analog Heat application had connections with my Heat. Could see the changes on the Heat when i made changes in the software.

So, i was pretty exited! I then fired up Cubase 6. But to my dissapointment i couldnt find the VST plug in! I double checked to see if it was in the “library/audio/plugins folder” and it was. I didnt find it in the plugin information folder inside Cubase.

Any tips on what i can do to solve this?

Installed overbridge 2.0 on old imac. Everything seems fine exept Heat VST doesnt show up in Cubase 6.

I messed up! I had Cubase running as 32 bit. When i changed to 64 bit the plugin showed up.

Does Cubase 6 work ok on OSX 10.12?.. I still run Cubase 6 but I’m still on OSX 10.9 at the moment.

Yeah, it seems to work fine. I did read that you can’t install it on newer OS X versions, but I just upgraded. Steinberg has made something that can help with forcing a clean install on newer OS X, but no guarantee that it will work.

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