Overbridge 2 and Logic Pro X


Just started using Overbridge with my A4 Mk1, AR Mk1, Digitone and Digitakt and so far am able to record individual audio tracks, but wondering a couple things:

  1. How can I record individual midi tracks for the various tracks on my devices and…
  2. How can I record the effects?

I love Elektron’s products - have most of them - and in particular I love the parameter locks, especially in regards to effects. How can I route the effects to the corresponding tracks in Logic? I would love it if I could have the effects as part of the actual individual tracks…

Also - I am wondering what’s the advantage of using Overbridge… I am so used to building great tracks on the Elektron devices and then just printing the audio tracks in Logic… it is pretty cool to record audio via usb

I don’t have answers for you, but I’ll definitely be watching this thread to see if people have good answers, especially to your question about the advantages of using Overbridge in Logic.

I’m really digging into Logic at the moment and want to use it more, but I’m not 100% clear on how the Digitakt would fit into a hybrid workflow.

I can see making a tune solely on the DT and tracking it out in Logic, adding effects, and doing a mixdown there, but I wonder what other clever ways there are for incorporating it.

For the synths, I can of course see using Logic to sequence them and record, but for the samplers, the advantages of a hybrid setup aren’t so clear to me.

To be honest, the DT has been gathering a bit of dust on my desk lately. The sample and project management kind of wore me down as I have discussed with others. At the moment, I’m contemplating just deleting everything on it, starting with a clean slate, and trying to find a way to integrate it with Logic before deciding whether I should just sell it.

You can’t do that I’m afraid, the FX are global send effects. The only way to have the FX on each track would be to record each track separately (which kind of tenders OB pointless).

Mixing and EQing, adding additional FX in Logic, automating fades, making edits, etc. My approach is to mainly build the track out of the box, then when I’m ready to finish it I multitrack record it into Logic (in sections, so intro, part A, breakdown, part B, etc) to finish it off ITB. I add FX, maybe do some additional arrangement and editing, sometimes go back to the machines to add some additional parts, add some Analog Heat to some parts (again via OB). I often end up not using the FX from the machines as I’ll end up making edits that mean they won’t work. The hybrid approach works well for me.