Overbridge + Ableton limitations

I like to output 24 bit so that gives me 6 outputs. I thought with running physical outs in addition I could cover everything but even after setting up track delay in Ableton I found the physical input signals would eventually go out sync. So for a live performance what would people do in Overbridge, 4 indv outs + mains for example? I figure I want separation of the different frequencies ( bass instruments, mid and high instruments) + the ability to structure the drums in songs (mute and unmute certain parts). I assume how you lay out sounds across the tracks and how that corresponds to the 5 + 2 outputs matters as well. Just curious how others set it up for live performance.

Also if I am already limited to 6 tracks of the Analog Rytm how would I have more room for let’s say an Analog Four? Assuming I’m at a limit bandwidth wise.