Overbridge and Audio Interface?

I am new to Overbridge, I’ve never used it before the release of 2.0…

I have nice audio interface that has essentially zero latency, which I needed for my guitar but my synths sound great running through it as well. With OB, I can get a close to zero latency but it still runs slower than my interface and is noticeable, which is problematic for improv.

I prefer using my audio interface but the ability to mix all those tracks separately is so appealing and I don’t know how I should go about it. Is there any way to integrate OB with my interface somehow and utilize the positive aspects of both? I know, on the tutorial popup it explicitly says to not use audio from the interface, but is there something I’m not understanding or anything I can do?

mac or pc? on mac you can create an ‘aggregate device’, linking two interfaces, not sure if there’s a pc equivalent. that’s the way im rolling at the moment


On Windows 10 unfortunately. I recall seeing something about an aggregate device in the OB 2.0 post.

With the Overbridge VST there is simply no need for an aggregate device, because the Overbridge VST has the audio interface “build-in”. It is designed this way so you can use it in addition to another audio interface in your DAW.

Just follow one of the tutorials on how to use the Overbridge VST.

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how do you do this?

Hello! I am having a latency problem with the OB 2.0 too. Only could sync it properly once and really don’t know how. I think It’d be great for beginners like me to find a propper guide (video) of how to use it. I know elektron doesn’t give support yet but maybe an advanced user could make it happen before

hope this works

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Heyalls - I’m dipping my toes into multitrack recording with overbridge and ableton. To date I’ve been recording everything in stereo onto a Zoom h4n.

I don’t own a dedicated audio interface, and my question to my fellow ‘nauts is whether I should use one of my OB equipped elektron boxes (DN, a4, or AH) as the interface, or the Zoom.

I want to minimize latency headaches and I’d also be willing to pick up an interface if it’ll make my life easier or make my recordings sound better.