Overbridge and Digital Performer 9.52 - no audio

Hi all – I’m a few versions behind on Digital Performer (v9.52, running on a 2015 iMac), and I’m trying to figure out how to use Overbridge with my Digitone. On the Digitone, I have the USB Config set to Overbridge, and under the Routing menu, I have Int to Main set to Auto. I can start the Overbridge engine, then in DP, I set up a new Instrument Track with the Digitone selected. Then I set up four individual tracks in DP with Digitone - Track1 (or 2, 3, or 4) as the input source. If I play a pattern on the Digitone, I can see the VST is active in DP, and shows the right sounds loaded to each track, etc. – the LFOs are and Envelopes are firing away as expected. But I am getting no audio to any of the DP tracks. I’m running the latest version of Overbridge, and the latest OS on the Digitone.

I see there are some quite old threads about DP and Overbridge here, but I’m curious if anyone is using this combo successfully, and if so, how they have it set up. Thanks in advance!