Overbridge Automation in Ableton Arrangement view

I am currently working on a new setup and I’m having real issues with workflow.

I have the A4 MK1 in overbridge mode along with various other pieces of Hardware all setup and syncd nicely in Ableton.

The issue I’m having is that I’m finding life hard when switching to arrangement view particularly with regards to OverBridge Automation.

I can automate say a 16 bar pattern of a bassline on the A4 with a filter sweep and a few other alterations as the clip progresses, fine no issues. But then I drag my new midi clip and my separate automation track into the correct channels in arrangement view. The new clip will play back as expected in the arrangement view but there is no way of seeing or altering that automation within Ableton. Seems a half way job. I can see the automation clip is affecting the plug in channel as the relevant parameters are moving within the plugin and on the A4 display and of course the source is altered. So it seems like the data is there where it should be in the new arranagement.

Surely there has to be a way that you can view and edit the automation data in the arrangement view as you can with any other VST plugin?

Yours hopefully

Hi! Is the automation track just clear when you press A on the keyboard for automation in arrangement view and show the aforementioned automation tweaks you’ve done in clip mode?

I don’t work with Overbridge, but for midi tracks, automation in arrangement view is done inside the clip.
Open the envelope view inside the clip, select Midi Control from the frop down menu.
If you say, that you hear the automation working, maybe that’s the issue?
For audio tracks, you press the letter A on your keyboard or the automation button on top of the screen to show automation lanes.

As long as automation mode is enabled in your arrangement, clip automation can be recalled and viewed by clicking on the parameters you’ve configured and automated in the Analog Four plugin window. Automated parameters are designated by a small red dot.

Thanks for the reply
I know how to use automation in Ableton. I can access automation in arrangement view for all my other synths/drums.
It just seems to be the Overbridge plugin that doesn’t carry a visual representation over to arrangement view.

It’s all there in the session view and can be viewed/edited as normal, it’s the arrangement view that isn’t showing it.

It would be nice to know if other Overbridge users can access and edit automation in the arrangement view. I strongly suspect that they can’t.

Yes it is clear. Only the standard midi parameters of Ableton can be seen

I’ll check mine later tonight and see if I run into the same issue, will write back tomorrow !

Thanks for going to the trouble

This is how I access automation in arrange view. I click Configure, then the parameter in the Overbridge window. The relevant parameter appears under Configure, which then allows me to draw in automation like any other synth.

Yes I get that and I can do the same. When I’m tweaking parameters I can record that clip in session view.
The problem I’m having with Overbridge is the automation cannot then be seen or edited in Arrangement view.

Not sure what you are talking about… It works exactly like any other vst plugin.
Complete automation in arrangement view

Hi thanks for the reply.
That is reassuring to know. It’s not working like that for me and I’m trying to see where I’m going wrong.
I’ve used Ableton for years and know how to view and edit automation in arrangement view. But for some strange reason I can’t see or edit automation in my arrangement view.

Based on what you’re saying I’ll get back to it and have a play to see if I can fix it. At first I thought that maybe this was just how the Overbridge plugin worked but it’s reassuring to know it must be something my end.


Hey Jimbob –

I recently upgraded from 9 to 10 and had the same issue. You have to turn on AUTOMATION mode. It’s under the VIEW tab. Also the default keyboard shortcut should be “A”.

Hope that fixes your issue.

Hi Dan.

People have already suggested this and I think in my blindness to this situation I haven’t properly checked all the settings.

I’m sure I have automation switched on but I don’t have access to my PC till Monday now. I will check and report back.

Thankyou to you and everyone else who has assisted in helping me. It is appreciated.


40 PM

It seems to work perfectly for me. I did the automation on clip view and copied my clip over to arrangement view and this is how it looks and it can be edited with no problems. You could try to reinstall OB, not sure if that helps.

I’m using AR MKII by the way, but that shouldn’t make a difference.

Thankyou so much for going to so much trouble to demonstrate this for me.
I will update you all on Monday when I will have access to my computer.

At least I know it is a problem with me and not a shortcoming of the plugin.
Your help is really appreciated

Fingers crossed that it’ll work out :slight_smile:

Quick update. I got my PC sooner than expected and I have solved the issue.

It was as several of you pointed out. I simply had to press A to enable automation to be viewed. I feel so stupid but I’m being honest.

I can’t ever remember having to do this previously to see the automation of a plug in but there you go.

Thanks for everyone’s help. I really do appreciate it.

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Glad the problem got solved! :slight_smile: