I’m about to buy a new laptop, and I’m not sure if I go Mac or PC. As I am digitakt and digitone user, and in the market for an a4, I thought overbridge might have some weight on the choice…
Is there a difference in stability /issues of overbridge between Mac and PC?
Not sure about stability issues because OB is in development still. What I do know is that Macs are really expensive and if I were to buy a notebook today the CPU would have to have 6 cores and I’d need 16gb of ram.
I asked mostly because of the a4 mk2 I want to buy soon. Which is working with overbridge right?
And also towards beta testers out here… I was just wondering if there is a noticeable difference with Mac and PC. I have quite a few pedals that have software editors, and while my production is on PC right now, I need my old MacBook for some of these because they just don’t work right or at all on my pc
In my opinion, the first consideration for choosing a computer should be what music software you want to run (a DAW? Ableton Live? Something else?) on it. Then you can look at how well Overbridge interacts with that software and finally what operating system you want.
In my case I work with Ableton live. Have been for 15 years… In this period I have used both Mac and PC, and about 10 years ago I swore never to use PC again after one began farting on me on stage. Now I have PC again which works fine for about 3 years, but it takes too much space in my live setup (17" laptop).
Now I am seriously thinking about a Mac mini or PC equivalent, that I can tuck away in my rack, with just an 11" monitor between my gear.
I use live as an audio looper for stuff I play and sing. Some long samples and a piano plugin. But I also have all my mixer channels routed to 10 audio tracks for recording my music.
What interests me most about overbridge is the streaming. So I can record each sound individually. Especially for digitone and digitakt. A4 has separate outputs, but I don’t have any inputs left on my soundcard…