Overbridge causing Live to freeze / crash

Overbridge seems to be crashing Live quite randomly when loading sets. Happens in maybe 1 out of 5 set loads. I just have to force quit and restart Live. Load the set, and everything works.

I’m running MacBook Pro 2019, with a fresh install of Mojave. The latest Live and Overbridge versions. All my gear is using the newest firmware.

Anyone else experiencing this?

My gear is btw DT, AR mk1, A4 mk2 and AH mk1.


I have been experiencing crashes and freezes with the latest Overbridge. Can’t remember I had this before. I think I wil try to downgrade also because overbridge is not recognising my devices a lot of the time.

Crashes were on MacOS 10.15.6, and a freeze on 10.15.6

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Interesting. I’m running macOS 10.14.6 btw.

I also have the problem of Overbridge sometimes not recognising my devices, until I restart them.

Would be interesting to hear if your downgrade makes any difference.

I want to downgrade but I can not find an older version anywhere. There seems to be no archive on the website…

To bad to hear. Maybe this is connected to the version of Live. What version are you using?

Or even something else in our setups.

I think I’ve seen a pattern, that this is more frequent the more overbridge plugins I have in my project. So at maximum I have AH, A4, AR and DT all in the same project. Have you noticed the same behaviour.

Live 10.1.18 suite (legit )
win 10 home

Scenario 1 : When opening Live with Digitakt, Live force closes .
Scenario 2 : Switching off the digitakt, and then opening Live , no problem.

Stange thing , when Live force-closes and gives the recovery option and click yes Live always load with digitakt attached (it bypasses usb in this mode? )

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Same, I have to switch gear on after opening project or it crashes…
I’m hoping the next overbridge update will fix it

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I have 4 Elektrons with overbridge it will open without crashing with 2 on max…
anymore than 2 on when opening a project and it crashes

So this seems to be a recurring issue. Hopefully it will be fixed in a future update. Maybe we should all send in bug reports. Anyone know if Elektron is using any specific platform for submitting bug reports?

I have already have made a support ticket explaining the problem. If you are having the same problem you should also at elektron.se

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My connection problems were not software related (see here). Now I have things working again and I will see if the crashes remain and report back.

When you say crash, you mean Not Responding, right?

Ableton freezes and it makes the chime sound of an application that has crashed…
then I have to manually close ableton. I think some times it closes itself also

I’m having similar issues with live sometimes also mid playback sound just stops coming from the digitone and I have to close live and turn the digitone off and on to get sound to come out
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