Overbridge Crackles/pops

Is anyone else having problems with crackles?, no matter how i set the buffers i still get it…
not sure if my soundcard is dying or overbridge is causing this…
its kinda driving me insane today…
I have to restart my computer when it gets bad then it goes away for a while then comes back … cheers

I’m Getting pops and clicking without overbridge installed so it’s not caused by overbridge

Hi. You have to narrow it down.
Try with another sound cards (such as your motherboard’s), try different drivers (ASIO4ALL), try your soundcard on another computer, and then tell us.

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do you have any other audio via usb? I always have problems with USB audio. So nice in theory, so bad in practice

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I have the same when I don’t have the power adapter connected to my macbook (cpu is in a sort of low power mode then). Try disconnecting any USB peripherals you might have.

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Thanks…Yes i will try to narrow it down like you said, that’s always the best way.
I have tried most them except soundcard on another computer…

It has been working for a few hours without crackling and pops after I reset the power settings to default… I changed them not long ago to high performance as the overbridge plugins suggested but may have been causing it.

If it starts again think I will try the soundcard on a different computer

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No other audio USB and had the crackles and pops even with overbridge completely uninstalled… think it may have to do with the power settings…

You could try Closing all background apps or switching off WiFi, I sometimes get crackles and pops if something else on my Mac (Dropbox, slack, twitter, etc…) is accessing the internet in the background and causing small cpu spikes

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The soundcard wasnt the problem after testing on another computer…
plugged it back into my computer and had pops and clicks…
I uninstalled Malware bytes antivirus and it seems to have fixed it as it was taxing my computer heavily, that with overbridge, multiple hard drives/USB connections multiple things open etc… seems my computer is showing its age even though still quite powerful not that long ago


Nah, it’s not the age or lack of cpu power of your computer, but a design drawback of USB buses in general that are shared with peripherals, even internal ones like your keyboard or trackpad. When there is a lot of I/O you run into audio buffer problems pretty quickly.

Some computers have several (separated) USB controllers, so you could try and error with different devices to different USB ports.

In the olden days of firewire you always had a dedicated bus for things like your soundcard or external drives. Unfortunately those days are over with (serial) USB buses being compatible with USB 1 / 2.x / 3.x

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It does have 16 USB connections to it with 4 streams of Overbridge normally so i guess it has been doing pretty well… the Antivirus was enough to cripple it though…
anyhow im happy the crackles have stopped because it was seriously driving me crazy