Overbridge - Delayed until May

Well, actually that would be great if they did it!
Problem with Elektron is that they put their head in the ground just like a ostrich!

First glimpse of overbridge!

true, good things take time. that’s why i wish they would stop making these ridiculous announcements all together. they already missed several deadlines and now instead of delivering as they promised they delay it again and instead they make NEW future announcements again. this is getting bizarre. obviously they are making these super early announcements to boost sales, so obviously people will complain if they don’t get what they payed for.

and things like a preset librarian and proper sample management for the AR is something these boxes should have been shipped with straight away. it’s really not that revolutionary but rather standard for most other samplers/sequencers. I don’t care too much about the OB audio stuff but these things are essential and get delayed because of OB.

Thank you for this.
I can’t speak the lingo but I did appreciate seeing how the VST GUI responded to the different parameter menu buttons, opening up rich tables in the VST for each. Great!

posted this in the other thread as well:

Cuckoo at Musikmasse 2015;

Based on this video it doesn’t seem like a serious Public Beta is going to happen in May. Automatic recall, VSTi for Rytm, Sample Management, and Audio input routing are all NOT ready to show. This means they are not even close to finishing this product

You mean just like Elektron already said?

fair enough. but if they can’t even show previews of these things, it seems there is a LOT of work left to be done. I feel for them honestly. its obviously a lot harder to implement than they expected

I like that they’ve decided on a dedicated VST for audio processing (DAW–>Analog–>DAW).

I wouldn’t be surprised if this pushed their timeline back a bit, but it sounds like they did it to be more streamlined.
The ever vocal legions of cry-babies may not like that but they’ll benefit from it in the end.

It does seen like another optimistic time line.

I’d be thinking end of May and end of summer for beta and 1.0. Exciting though.

its been quite obvious to me that it has been a bug ridden hell for them

just has to be
different computers
different daws
different machines
different formats
different and often stupid users

one only has to look at how it went for Access and TI

i believe that they will have a semi working version soon
i’ve been on their case as much as anyone, which has annoyed some here
but i do wish them well.



Sending audio to the AR TRACKS to access the filter and OD.

Did NOT see that one coming. Fuck.

I knew it’d be buss to master DIST and COMP, but to buss to track filters and OD, amazing!

Now this is absolutely awesome! And a dedicated VST for audio processing? Just wow! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Oooolaala those new Rytm announcements had me like :heart: :alien: :heart: Can’t wait for the endless possibilities, my mind is already exploding with ideas from that Midi control alone!

Things I’m gonna do with this:

Set up a mid/side reverb FX rack in Ableton Live using a couple utility audio devices, a couple EQ8s, a couple Overbridge audio routing VSTs, and the reverb on both the Analog Four and Analog Rytm.

Separate pre-delay, decay times and shelving EQs for mid and side respectively.

Oh yea… :slight_smile:

This is absolutely phenomenal work !
An enormous undertaking for such a small company , really.
I don’t mind waiting a bit if it’s done right.