Overbridge - Delayed until May


I’m a little disappointed, but mostly because they released some of the full specs and it looks good…

But I can wait another month :slight_smile:

It seems as if you won’t be able to send audio from DAW to until 1.0. Looks like no Mac AU options until then also.

But full sample management for Rytm? Hell yeah!

And pattern chaining for song creation? Brilliant.

I’m really looking forward to the beta - well done Elektron.

No Mac? Says who??

Public open beta to be launched May 2015
These will be the key features of the public beta launch:
[li]CoreAudio / ASIO / WDM sound card functionality[/li]

CoreAudio IS OS X

[li]VSTi plugin format[/li]

Plenty of Mac DAWs run VST.
Ableton Live, Cubase, Bitwig…


[li]Mac and Windows support[/li]


Lol my bad. I’m not a Mac guy… No AU support is what I should have said.

Lol. Well god dammit! Bad news for us Logic guys! I guess i can wrap it in something during the public beta…

YES! Sample Management for RYTM is the best news I could have possible heard and makes the wait worth it

Was going to switch from Ableton to Logic soon. Glad I decided to wait!

Atleast they finally opened their mouth, only taken 20 “wheres OB?” threads

people are much more accepting of delays when they are kept informed.

I agree completely.

I’m happy without the expansion, just because I have some information!

Yea too bad Logic users have to wait some more, that said if I get back into using DAWs I’ll be tempted to get Ableton, seems much more user friendly.

Hoping for some new updates for the Rytm more than Overbridge though, but the sample management has got me more interested in Overbridge than I was before.

Funny, most companies are going towards analog modular and Elektron the opposite to digital DAW.

It seems that there will be no attention to machine OS updates this year…

I’d suspect that there must be updates for OSes as well to make OB function properly. Perhaps even bonus surprises.

Good news, they were working hard during the wait.

But release in Autumn ? Please don’t skip OS updates for so long.

That’s for 1.1
1.0 “before summer”. A new OS, surely.
Am I the only one that reads the entire announcement?

You’re not suggesting that there’s any connection between entitled internet whining here and the announcement of a release schedule for Overbridge at a major trade show?

Happy enough that it’s on track and that it’ll be a killer feature eventually, but I honestly haven’t got my expectations too high for the beta and 1.0 releases, would imagine that there’s still a hell of a lot of work to do.

Yeah, probably from release until the end of time :frowning:

That’s for 1.1
1.0 “before summer”. A new OS, surely.
Am I the only one that reads the entire announcement?[/quote]

That’s for 1.1
1.0 “before summer”. A new OS, surely.
Am I the only one that reads the entire announcement?[/quote]
It seems that they think developing Overbridge is worth skipping the AR updates. Why should I think they won’t skip the updates as long as they are working on Overbridge exactly like this last year ?

Don’t worry you’re not the only one to reads the entire annoucement. Where did you read in the announcement that they keep the bug corrections, manual-readable features still not present and new machines for the AR for the 1.0 release of Overbridge ?

Still no video reports of Overbridge on Messe 2015…

Looks like it’s nothing new…

You are right. A lot from Aira, Bastl (i like it), nothing from Elektron.

this VST plug in will make the Analog Four (for axample) quick and easy to sync up with Ableton LIve… will you then be able to sync other gear like an Oktatrack and other hardware synths using the Analog Four’s midi out?