Overbridge devices arriving causing class compliant MIDI to enumerate

I’ve got a 100% repro case where when I start to turn on my Overbridge Elektron Gear (Digitone, Analog Rytm mk2, Analog 4 mk2) seems to trigger all of my connected class compliant gear to re-enumerate until I turn off all of my Overbridge Elektron gear. Is this a known issue? Should I file a ticket? I’ve got an iMac Pro running latest Catalina (10.15.4) with all the most current firmware and OB version.

Thanks in advance.

After some trial and error it actually seems that the Overhub was the issue. Replacing it with a more modern USB 3.1 hub seems to have resolved the issue.

So you’re telling us that the Hub build especially for Overbridge is causing the issue?

Yes, however
A) it’s an older product at this point eclipsed by more commoditized Hubs
B) it was mostly impacting my non-Elektron USB class compliant gear.

I suspect it might be related to the fact that the Overhub wasn’t powered (I never found a suitable power supply for the damn thing).

Moving to a powered modern hub seems to have resolved things for me.

Now we have the whole story. Thanks.
I didn’t want to lose faith in Elektron’s products.

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