Overbridge Disconnecting from Bitwig after a few minutes

Hey Guys,

First post here, been a lurker with no account for a while. So I use Bitwig for a majority of my productions along with hardware, and use analog rytm mark II for 90% of my drum sound design.

Often I’ll get an idea going in Bitwig and will have the drums programmed in Bitwig’s piano roll, but coming straight in out of the rytm via overbridge. I have current firmware and OB versions installed. What happens is after looping for about 5 min without fail sound will suddenly stop. If I play on the machine itself the sound still comes through, but it ignores all midi from Bitwig and the only way to fix is to restart the OB plugin. And I’m using the newest version of overhub, so that doesn’t fix it.

Anyone had this issue and knows a fix?


Seems like an issue a lot of people are having (including myself). There’s a lot of other threads around about this if you search. But it doesn’t seem to be fixable currently other than restarting the device and overbridge engine.

Lately I’ve seen some people commenting about a fix in an upcoming overbridge version. So apparently Elektron could be working on fixing it, let’s hope.

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I tested a beta fix back in mid last year. It didn’t fix the issue and Elektron have been quiet on that front since then.

I’ve pretty much stopped using Overbridge for this exact reason.

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Yeah I saw a lot of unresolved, didn’t know if a fix had been figured out yet. Thank god I only use it in the studio and don’t use overbridge live lol

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Should be fixed now with the new updates just released. So try to update your Rytm and Overbridge to latest firmware and see if it’s fixed :slightly_smiling_face:

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Always same problems with the new updgrade here

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Yeah nice - I just saw the OB update and DN update - hopefully this get things running nicely. Wooo!

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Oh wow, I only updated my DT didn’t know there was overbridge and AR updates. Woooo

So far so good - I left my Digitone alone for 30 mins and then restarted my DAW and it started playing as expected. It took a while for this to be fixed, but I’m glad it has. Fantastic!

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Witch Daw ? Ableton ?

Yeah left my rytm hooked to Bitwig overnight, hit play and still ran gg. Unfortunately now I got a problem where my pads double trigger occasionally (the clicky buttons don’t though)


This has been fixed in my setup. I use Bitwig 4.2 on MBP with DT and DN.
Used to lose sync very often, and now it’s solid with the latest update.