Overbridge does not detect the Analog Rytm MK2

Dear, I have an Analog Rytm MKII.
I have installed OS version 1.61E of the Analog Rytm MKII and the last Overbridge version Mac.
The problem is that Overbridge does not detect the device.
Obviously in the USB settings I put it in Overbridge mode.
And tried everything, uninstall, install with the device turned off, update versions but I can’t get Overbridge to detect Analog Rytm.
If it works without problems in USB AUDIO/MIDI mode and the DAW detects the outputs and inputs, the synchronism, but does not detect it in Overbridge mode.

Something curious that happens is that with the Overbridge open, and as I was telling you without detecting the AR MKII, if at that moment I change the USB mode of the device to USB AUDIO/MIDI mode, in that case yes, the Engine warns me, in red , that the Analog Rytm must be in Overbridge mode, then, if it tells me that it is in the wrong mode and tells me the name of the device correctly, but when I set it to the correct mode (Overbridge) it stops detecting it. ¿?

I have a Mac i7 with OS 10.14.6

The Elektron is amazing but I am disappointed in this problem, I have seen on the net, that other people have the same thing.
I await your response, greetings.

Did you appprove the ‘security warning’ in System Settings of the Mac I7?


Overbridge works really good nowadays on Mac, I have it running on different machines with different OS versions without an issue. There might be some small bugs in the GUI but (IMHO) the overbridge audio midi works well.

I would try what @Peter118 proposed, reinstall Overbridge and open the MacOS System Settings for Security in parallel to see if you have to approve the warning. If you don’t do that in the first 30mins you have to reinstall anyway.

Good luck!

Hello, thanks for your contribution, I understand and I knew it, that message never appears, I think that may be the problem, it is a bad sign that my Mac never detects the AR in Overbridge mode, and it never asks me to approve the warning.
I’m going to keep trying and reinstalling, I need to use my device, what a disappointment. gracias

Hi thanks. Of course I’m trying what you suggest, but my Mac never detects the AR in Overbridge mode, and the Mac never asks me to approve the warning. I keep trying,
I’m going to keep trying and reinstalling, I need to use my device I waste a lot of time but there is no option. Greetings.

Isn’t the MacOS version that gives the problem? Maybe update to a newer version will help (if possible).

That sucks… there are only a few things left like trying a different USB cable, maybe going via a different USB port or a USB hub which you probably already tried. I have no other ideas. I had a similar issue once and deinstalled Overbridge, rebooted, installed again, rebooted and finally it came up. There might even be an issue with another USB device or driver interfering with the Overbridge driver.

mmm, It’s probably the final solution, but I don’t want to do that, it’s not new hardware, and I have other software and programs adjusted and working perfectly and I don’t want to risk their operation by changing the OS. I have a Mac i7 with OS 10.14.6, as I see it supports the system, this should work perfectly. The snake bites its tail and asks for new hardware, the never ending, I find it disappointing if it does not support an OS that should work according to specifications, they are not cheap devices. Greetings.

I can understand that you don’t want to upgrade, it was just a suggestion. Hope it finally will work for you.

I understand thanks, it would be ideal, but I can’t afford the latest Mac at the moment, nor can I reinstall my arsenal of software and plugins on a new computer because of Overbridge, a pity, anyway according to the specifications of the OS that I have installed it should work correctly with the Overbridge.
Anyway, the technical service has told me to reboot everything, it seems like a joke ha ha. but something interesting suggest me a command to run in Terminal? I’ll try. Cheers

Finally I managed to do it, as you said, rebooted, install again, reboothed and finally it came up. In one of the processes finally macOS showed me the option of aproves the warning of Security. Now works ok.
The problem seems that was an important point. When doing the installation, as you said, it is fine to see the window to approve in parallel, Thanks


Perfect! Good to hear you are not able to use Overbridge it’s awesome :slight_smile: