Overbridge DT always plays along in Ableton Live

hi there,

I’ve routed the Digitakt tracks 1 -8 via DT-Plugin in a Midi channel (Send only) into 8 separate AudioTracks (all to “OFF”, so they don’t play when pattern is played back unless there is a recording on the Ableton Live track. I know, this seems odd, because you might want to play around in with the parameters in session view, but at some point, i just want to capture the pattern. Please tell me, if there is a smarter way to achieve that.).
so far so good.

But there is something that annoys me, when i’m using the Digitakt in Live (session view):
whenever i trigger a clip from any track from any other instrument (no connection to DT) the DT is triggered too.
Because of the described routing (DT midi channel to “send only”, audio tracks from DT to “OFF”), at least i don’t hear it, but it is still running.

is the Digitakt behaving the way it is supposed to, this way?

or is there an elegant solution for this?

thanks in advance!

DT is synced to your DAW transport by default. When you play a clip (any clip) the Ableton transport will start and thus your DT will too.
Go to the Digitakt OB plugin. In the top there’s an option to turn off sync to DAW. Though I’m unsure why this is a problem :slight_smile: You want DT synced to your project in almost every case unless you are sequencing the tracks from Ableton.


yes, i tried that out.
but if you say, that this is the way it’s supposed to work, i’m content.

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Another workaround is to just mute the MIDI track that has the Digitakt overbridge plugin on it. The Digitakt will still play, you just won’t hear it.

I prefer this as it’s easier to mute a track than to select it, show the Digitakt plugin, and switch that off.