Overbridge + external synths with ableton

Hey good people, I have a question / dilemma i was hoping someone could shed some light on. I’ve finally found an effective way to record my songs into Ableton.
I’m using a DT+DN sequencing model d, tb3 and Deepmind 12 ( yes I’m a slut for behringer). once i get a good couple of patterns i jam through ableton via overbridge to get a rough structure. I then use locators and markers to structure out parts so that i can work on the song bit by bit. I track all the drum parts, then i track my synths…
This is where Im having troubles. As we all know overbridge tracks DT and DN damn near perfectly. But when i record my synth parts, i get this super inconsistent midi drift throughout the track. It’s not huge but i stilll notice it messing up my groove, especially in the bass I record my synths in big takes as i like to record automation live. but the latency is all over so i feel like i cant simply use the track delay to compensate…

I’m thinking that i probably need to sequence the synths from abletons external instrument, using usb. It’s a pain but maybe i should just suck it up . Or maybe just comb through the track and do minor warping (currently doing that at the moment) Is there something i can do to avoid doing that? Should i just accept that that’s the way she goes and work with it? Im currently using Catalina on an old late 2012 MacBook pro. She’s old and i have to tread lightly when using overbridge as it can just crash on me if i “over” do it.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions, especially from the old heads :stuck_out_tongue: