Overbridge feature requests thread

I agree with sync pre-roll…

Also, I’d love for it to work with my brand new, black Rytm on 1.60 :slight_smile:

I know I’m late to the party but I never paid OB very much mind over the two years I’ve been on and off with Elektron, although now that it’s mostly working, it’s mind boggling…

The idea of OB is amazing, being able to process every individual track without needing 30 inputs or a mixer, I only have a small audio interface with 8 inputs/preamps… My Digitakt runs fine with it and that doesn’t even have individual outs… Amazing… But if I record each output of my Rytm I use every spot on my interface which is a no go :frowning:

Seeing it work for the Digitakt / Analog Four though is true hope, I mean processing 24 separate tracks will help my mixes become so much better I’d imagine, plus it leaves room to record 4 outs from my Novation Summit and whatever else I don’t even have yet…

Edit: well, just upgraded OB. I didn’t update the firmware because 1.60 of the Rytm wasn’t listed in the notes, but wow, it’s working! This is outstanding.

I use Propellerhead Reason and the VST carrier has only 8 outs, so I’m only able to record MAIN OUTs and 1-7 OUTS. I can’t record OUT 8 and EXT INs because of the lack of indivudal outs on the VST carrier in Reason.

I’m surprised to see the optionnal audio outs are necessarely stereo, even if the Digitakt is sending mono… So I have dual mono channels recorded.

This made my thinking and realize I’d like to be able to route the audio outs myself. If my host DAW has such limitations, I’d like to be able to choose at least wich track I can record. For example, to record EXT INs (by routing them to outs 1 & 2 on the VST carrier) instead of MAIN OUTs, which I rarely use.

Is there any way Overbridge could handle that? Maybe it’s already the case?

(Yes, we first asked Propellerhead for more individual outs on the carriers).

A small wish for Overbridge Standalone:
Please save the set zoom factor…

here’s my request:
work on an universal painless install routine, and better documentation for it.

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My dream, that will make OB really shine:

Provide sequencer functionality please

If the possibility of editing sequences on the computer is too complicated, even the visual feedback would be super handy.

Like seeing many tracks on top of each other, slides, accents, p-locks, conditions. This will help a lot with drums and other stuff also. This software and machines really ask for it. Thanks to this, workflow can be really workflow and not the workstuck :wink:

So as a starting point just a static view is enough, leaving the possbility of editing for the later extensions.

C’mon guys, even Behringer has tool for this. Not perfect, but still.


simple audio pattern export: for quick project, I would have prefered being able to export patterns to a simple SD card.
Without SD card but overbridge, it would be nice to be able to say " I want to export patterns A1, A2, A3 " then just play and wait to finally get a folder full of patterns for each audio channel. That would be a nice addition to the “live capturing” behaviour of overbridge.

was thinking this yesterday too! Would be great to be able to rearrange sequencer pages too across all tracks. I often find I compose a 4-5 track loop and end up with page 1 being the 4th bar somehow. Also would be great to use overbridge to create songs, and be able to copy specific performance macro amounts into a new track sound as I find I end up liking a specific sweet spot and want to not be tied to the kit …but maybe the architecture prevents this? Definitely keen Elektron next gen boxes are way more flexible in this way.

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Have you tried the No Sync option and used MIDI cables to sync your devices? For me, it’s the best workflow.

Please, make overbridge sync work with other daws (Reaper) :slight_smile:

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Request : A small number of stereo busses out of overbridge instead of multiple mono tracks for the digitakt (and maybe other devices).

If bandwidth is the thing that prevents the digitakt from outputing its 8 tracks as stereo tracks in Overbridge, What about using a small number of user configurable stereo busses ? (for which routing could be configured onto the digitakt, the same way the master track can)

It would have more sense as the digitakt tracks are stereo and not mono, and I feel it is a shame to loose the p-locks and LFO on the pan parameter when multi-tracking.

Currently, Digitakt streams the equivalent of 12 mono tracks (stereo for main, 8 mono tracks + stereo inputs). Instead, it could track out 6 stereo busses the same way, which would more than enough.

I don’t know about other users, but I am pretty sure most of overbridge users would agree with this.



req: a metronome

So I was weirded out that I couldn’t get my metronome to work on the Syntakt, turns out, that is by choice. Why?

Some of us are using a hybrid setup and for creating in standalone & DAW mode, for something like a bassline it’s important sometimes to get a click sometimes when not recording to the computer but jamming out to get something into the pattern.

It’s already there, it is in the machine itself, just pls route this out to Overbridge! :vulcan_salute:

thx & cheers

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+1 for Reaper compatibility


Possibility to edit project and pattern names through overbridge (or transfer), please!


Syntakt has MIDI machines, but (AFAIK) theres no support for them on Overbridge, I should be able to edit what the midi machines LFO’s are doing on overbridge, setting up CC select on OB would be nice too but all it has is a bit of text “MIDI settings available on device”

This is a huge oversight. While they are at it they could also add the functionality to the DT and DN midi tracks.

Low latency, data only (no audio i/o ) mode for using the plugin exclusively for editing and automation from daw… Without the lag!

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+1 for stereo tracks for digitakt. Is this the best place to log feature requests, or is there an official channel to go through?

Support for iPadOS would a real game changer!

A function to export sequences (for instrument and midi tracks) associated with patterns as midi files for further use in DAW, even if some information (retrigs, P-locks is lost). Maybe, this feature is suitable for transfer rather than Overbridge.
This request was inspired by this thread:

I see the difficulties of recording the sequence data live into a DAW, but maybe a (batch-)export feature would be easier to implement and equally useful.

Edit: After thinking this through, it probably does not make much sense. I realized that DAW’s like Cubase, for which Overbridge is designed, offer much more complex midi sequencing tools compared to the built-in elektron sequencer. So it would make a lot more sense to sequence midi from DAW to Elektrons. Still, I can see why some users might like having this feature as a way to (re-)arrange what they create on the hardware itself to use in a DAW later. I at least have tons of cool sequences on my devices which currently would be a pain to export to a different platform.

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