Overbridge for AR with Ableton on midi track

Not hearing audio from Analog Rytm. Nor is midi recorded getting back to AR. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Need a bit more info pal. A screenshot of how things are set up in Ableton would be a good start.

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There are many things to be checked. Let’s get started … only basic stuff :wink:

  1. Is your AR-USB port enabled to support OB? (Global Menu/System/USB Config)
  2. Check on Overbridge Control Center, whether the AR is recognized.
  3. In the OT Control Center the audio channels have to be activated!

Now, if nothing went wrong, your OT plug-in should at least produce sound … :wink:

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I uninstalled/reinstalled and now everything works perfectly. Thanks for your response. Very much appreciated.

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