Overbridge for Digitakt USB Connection Dropping Out

Hey everybody, wanted to post a little issue here to hopefully resolve before my show. Running a digitakt through ableton using overbridge for bpm synced effects and bpm transitions. I’ve noticed that every once in a while while I’m practicing the lock next to bpm on digitakt will unlock but the audio will continue to go through. The only way to resolve this is to unplug and re-plug the usb which makes audio drop out for 2 or so seconds. Anyone know a fix? Would really hate for this to happen in the middle of a live performance.

Hi, welcome.
A lot of us are experiencing this issue (and others) with overbridge. Use the search function and you’ll find other threads.
It’s better to not use overbridge for a live performance until a proper update (v3?) is released.
If you use overbridge only for bpm sync, you’d better consider using MIDI, or simply change the bpm in the tempo menu.