Overbridge for non-analog devices?

Any chance we’ll see OB for the MnM and MD? I’d love an easier way to integrate those devices into my DAW.

I know it would be a bit limited due to the lack of USB, but I’m sure things could be mapped via the MIDI outs, right?


No. The MD and MM have good SysEx specs, though.

is that because all of the internal parameters can’t be mapped to CC numbers?

In FLStudio, I can create MIDI dashboards to control every parameter of my Virus or MS2000BR. Is that not possible on the MnM and MD?

The MM and MD have copious Control Change and/or NRPN assignments listed in the respective manuals. Is that what you’re looking for?

I haven’t used FL since it was called Fruity Loops, but sending midi CC from your DAW should be no issue (albeit with the correct hardware). I’ve got a couple of M4L templates I use for the MNM and MDUW, so as long as FL allows something similar you should be able to do what you’re asking.

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I looked in the manuals. I see the MIDI Control Reference stuff but no actual CC numbers. Maybe I don’t understand enough about MIDI beyond CC stuff to understand what I’m looking at. Haha.

I see the HEX and DEC columns. Are those the CC numbers, too?

Ya. FL is super crazy robust now. I can control all my hardware via MIDI CC, just can’t seem to find the right info in the manuals for the MnM and MD.

I looked in the manuals. I see the MIDI Control Reference stuff but no actual CC numbers. Maybe I don’t understand enough about MIDI beyond CC stuff to understand what I’m looking at. Haha.

I see the HEX and DEC columns. Are those the CC numbers, too?


Let’s take an example:

The right-hand table of page B-1 in the MD manual is called ‘CTRL-CHANGE MAPPINGS’ and gives details of the MIDI Control Change (aka CC) messages that can be used.

The MIDI channel number to be used is given immediately above the table, relative to the MIDI base channel number set in the GLOBAL menu.

The hex and dec labels give the number of the MIDI Control Change message in hexadecimal (base 16) and decimal (base 10) formats respectively. The parameters are described in the central column. The two right-hand columns indicate whether the MD transmits and/or receives the applicable message.

So to control the MD’s Track 1 Filter Width, use MIDI CC 29 (decimal) on the MD’s base channel.

Because the MD has so many parameters, the MD spreads the CC assignments over four MIDI channels. So to control Track 16 level, use MIDI CC 11 (decimal) on MIDI channel (base + 3).

You should be able to figure the rest out, both for the MD and the MM.

Gotcha. So to make sure I understand it right, here are a few other examples and what I think the MIDI CCs are.

BD1 Delay Send would be base channel+0 on CC 35
SD Filter Width would be base channel+0 on CC 53
RS Filter Width would be base channel+1 on CC 77

It seems like the CC’s restart per machine every 24 CC slots.

Do I have this right?

The MnM seems a bit more straightforward given that each machine has it’s own channel number.

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Sweet. Mr. Hanes, if you’re ever in the Philadelphia area, you need to let me buy you a drink. You’ve been insanely helpful these past few months.

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