Overbridge Gui Glitch in Bitwig

all installed correctly (via manual)
but having issues with black space pushing gui down in bitwig

all drivers, installation directions adhered to…

same for both rytm mk1 and analog keys

any help peeps?


i’m not sure what the fix is, but i know that there are a lot of issues when it comes to plugin interfaces. apparently they’re using cairo for their graphics which is causing issues especially on os x. the forum/a post by one of the developers below explains a bit more about it.

The GUI is currently rendered entirely on the CPU using Cairo graphics library. The performance problems are not to do with our use of Java at all but just the shear number of pixels that have to be painted by the CPU and some areas where we haven’t optimized the painting as much as we could (by reducing the painting to just the areas that needs updating and not painting layers that don’t need to be for example). However, we are also working on offloading much of the painting to the GPU via OpenGL (at least for all the fast moving stuff like meters, oscilloscope and arranger/note editor). This will make a HUGE difference but I can’t say when it will be ready - but rest assured we are aware of the issue and actively working to fix it by making use of the GPU in the long run. So the good news is we should be able to fix this and make it very snappy assuming you have a decent graphics card.

Thanks zfigz

On PC so the plot thickens


Sorted - it was windows zoom after installing new 4k monitor adjustments made ok now


ah, yah…they mentioned that in the forum post i included above.

There also is an easy proof that the Bitwig GUI code is to be blamed for poor gfx performance:

Let’s say you use a 4K monitor (3840x2160) and choose “1920x1080, scaled” in macos display settings, the system will do the scaling, antialias etc. Bitwig here at 200% bitwig scaling will already be a bit sluggish (when having dsp gfx below). Now if you switch the OS scaling to “1600x900, scaled”, and then switch the bitwig gui to 175% scaling, you will have the same resolution in Bitwig, but this time the graphics is much faster already. Because here, macos does the most of the scaling (in properly accelerated way), and Bitwig scaling calculates with 1600x900 (or 2x) only instead with 1920x1080.

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