Overbridge in OSX 10.9.5

Is anyone else having problems in OSX 10.9.5 and Logic X?

Previous versions have installed OK, but 1.10 will not load the AUs. I get the following message in Logic

“Failed to load Audio Unit “Analog Rytm”, please contact the manufacturer for an updated version or further assistance.”

I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled… redownloaded, uninstalled, reinstalled etc…
Overbridge Control Panel is OK and sees the Rytm.

Am I missing something? i.e. is there a step I’ve not considered. I’m running it as an instrument on a software instrument track.

It works OK on my laptop running El Capitan (well it loads the AU but I’ve not checked everything is working), without hooking up the hardware it loads into Logic.

any guidance much appreciated.

Occurs here to. But I’m on El Capitan latest and have the new AU installed and now it doesn’t work. They must know about this. A friend mine had exactly the same behavior. Works great in Live, but not in Logic.

Same issue here.

Works great in LIVE, same error message in Logic X.