Overbridge in Reaper - anyone got it right?


Just moved to Reaper and I’m ok with the basic daw concepts, but having trouble setting up Overbridge properly - anyone know how to do it?

I can load Overbridge plugin and it gives me the synth midi tracks etc, but I am presuming you then need audio tracks for each synth track (correct?), trouble is, I can’t seem to get individual synth tracks to record to the individual audio tracks.

E.g. I am routing synth track 1 to audio track 1, but it’s still picking up all output from the AK. Any ideas?


Bump: No one using Reaper then?

I can get indi channels only using the AR as an interface.

Then again the VST doesn’t route indi channels Ableton either (the VST as a VST controller for the box works fine). Sooo I think it’s a computer issue (Elektron can’t figure it out either)

I’ve given up for now. Using it as an interface is fine for my purposes.

Thanks for the response xidnpnlss, ok so it looks like it’s a non-starter…

I use Reaper and at first it wasn’t working right for me with OB, but I got it going enough to serve my purpose. I’ll check and see what I did when I get home today.

FYI, I only used it to record some RYTM drums into a project where I was using a different drum machine track and wanted to re-do the drums. I don’t use it for sequencing in the DAW. I just recorded a stereo drum track that I programmed on the RYTM itself.

Well, I looked at my project. Turns out I deleted the OB track, so couldn’t see how it was routed. I’m pretty positive that I just made a separate track and then did a send from the OB to the new.

Hey Eyeprod,

Thanks for trying, appreciate you looking into it.

It’s just that last step of splitting the audio out into separate tracks. Could certainly be just me no RTFM, but it feels like it should be a little simpler, more obvious…

So in this example you’re saying that synth track 1 to audio 1 is picking up all output. I have the AR, but isn’t OB track 1 the Master out? Thus try routing other OB tracks to an audio track?

I just used the stereo master out to record into Reaper, but you can route each drum sound to it’s own audio track if you want more control. The tutorial vids on the Reaper site are pretty helpful too, btw.

Yeah so I have tried various configs but thus fat still cant currently get any audio track to be just one AK track. Or even just the separate voices.

Right. Sorry about reviving this old thread, but I have just come back to Reaper again after a long break and have found I haven’t evolved in the past year…


I am on the latest versions of Reaper, OB and AK firmware.

I can add OB as a VSTi in Reaper no problem, it creates individual tracks and I can see them all receiving midi from the AK/OB.

Now I want to record the individual track audio so create four new tracks to route to… but I can’t seem to isolate the individual tracks, I’m either getting everything or nothing.

It’s going to be really obvious, but can any Reaper users tell me how they routed from the midi tracks to get individual audio tracks?


First create sends to four stereo tracks.
Then in each send go to the dropdown menu called audio and select the right stereo pair. 1-2 and 3-4 etc.
Then set the track to record the output.
I also set it to pre fader, but that’s personal :slight_smile:
(and record arm the track)

It works, but every time I press play the audio drops in pitch and after one measure all is fine.
Super annoying.
Hope it’s going to be fixed soon (wishful thinking)

just discovered that if you disable anticipative fx processing all works fine!
So no dropped pitch anymore on pressing play.

Ok, after testing it a bit more, sometimes a short squeak comes through when pressing play.

Thanks guys. I did eventually work it out though turning the fx thing off didnt seem to make any difference.

Not blown away by the sound quality over USB either… it might come in handy at some point but frankly its less faff to just record each individual out.

Thanks again.