Overbridge / Inputs L&R / FX / Ableton Live

first of all, I’m very pleased to succesfully wire my setup to Live via the last Overbridge beta. It’s very closed to be perfect.

-4 Analog-4 voices
-A4 inputs L & R (Volca FM mono/ Modal Skulpt mono)
-A4 FX
-4 Digitone voices
-Digitone inputs L & R (Juno 106 stereo)
-Zoom R16 8 voices via USB: Nord 3P and Synthstrom Deluge, both stereo, I have room for 2 stereo or 4 mono inputs
-Whaooua, nice :slight_smile:, I’m very happy with it.

My problem is: getting my Digitone/A4 FX Live inputs to be wet ONLY , without the inputs L and R dry signals.

I have the L/R inputs as dry signals in Live, but the FX signal is always mixed with the dry L/R signal also. I guess this is a limitation due to signal path design.

How to get the FX signal not polluted by the inputs? As far as I understand it, I have to make a choice between FX and inputs L/R…?

Should I use the Zoom left over voices and add fx inside Live for Volca/Skulpt and Juno? I also would consider buying some extra hardware FX, but how to efficiently wire this mess together???

Any advice is very welcome. Cheers!!

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