Overbridge is amazing

Let me preface this post by saying that I have full sympathy for those on an OS or DAW not yet supported or functional; this post is in no way meant to be a taunt…I’d be frustrated if this were the case for me too. Let’s hope that Elektron get this well beyond the beta stage and into the hands of more users asap. But I’ve read so much here about OB not working that I thought it was time for me to post from a different perspective.

I was a long time MD user who hadn’t checked in with Elektron in years (didn’t want the gas). I wandered over here about a year ago just before the infamous science lab and quickly found myself desiring the AR and A4. Doing the pre-purchase research I learned about the upcoming OB and thought “cool”, but this wasn’t what made me want the machines by any means. I was interested but not impatient at all in the prolonged lead-up to the first beta release.

With the above said, I feel like this software was aimed squarely at a user like me. I don’t perform live at all (at least not electronic music) and I’m in no way trying to get away from the computer. I love it. And I LOVE Ableton Live as a composition DAW. So I was pretty well set up to enjoy this. My main interest is in writing and recording, and for this OB has been pretty much everything I could ask for. It has significantly increased my enjoyment in using the AK and AR, and believe me, I was enjoying them just fine before this came out!

I could go on and on…but perhaps it’ll be best just to try and nail down some bullet points about why I’m digging it this much now that I’ve logged well over 100 hours using it. In no particular order:

  • It works. I’ve read pretty much every post in the OB forum since it came out and I can say for sure that if I hadn’t had my own experiences, judging by the number of problems reported, I’d assume it was crap. But in my experience it’s been extremely stable. That’s not to say I haven’t had any glitches at all, but they’ve been minor. I do OCCASIONALLY get the white noise blast from AK which is well documented. But even in that unpleasant event the fix is just a quick unplug/plug of my USB cable and then it’s gone. For days.

  • the sync is perfect. No more, no less. Zoom in on the waveform and it’s exactly where it should be. Haven’t seen so much as an iota of deviation, even after running the sequencer for several minutes. not one glitch.

  • the GUI is attractive and easy to use. To not have to rely on the small screens of the hardware is such a boon to the black box workflow. I’m at the point now where I’m doing 90% of everything in OB.

  • the audio quality is FINE. I know we were all a bit skeptical about audio over USB, but it sounds excellent to me. I’ve done comparisons between OB and recording through my Portico 5012, and when the levels are matched I can’t really tell a difference between the two. I’ve tested myself doing it blindly and I can’t blindly guess which one is OB. Closed issue for me. Sure I’m no mastering engineer, but…

  • given the above, it’s incredibly cool to not have to patch into my preamp/interface and leave it open for other things.

  • there are too many timesaving workflow enhancements offered in the GUI to list, but here’s one: setting up scene, performance, LFO, aftertouch…etc parameters is SO much easier. Right click on any parameter and you have an option to add to any of these. I could never get into the workflow for doing the same on the box.

  • Browsing of sounds in the +drive sound library. It’s all there in front of you and easy to see. This has led me to a new relationship with sounds in the AR, which is a topic for another thread. I’ve taken to writing on both boxes when inspired by just very quickly going in an INIT kit and then clicking through my sounds to hear the sequence with some of my go to presets. or others. It’s just easy…

  • Total recall. This is the biggest one for me. One nagging issue I had with both boxes but especially the Rytm because of samples was project and sound management. I think everyone struggles with the Elektron way for some period before coming to some sort of understanding. Losing a project or two is par for the course, no? Once I wrapped my head around TR, I realized that it offers the solution I needed. So I have an Ableton project that I’ve set up and saved as a starting point template for AK/AR projects. It’s has grouped tracks for both machines containing the VSTi, a midi track routed to send either box should I care to do so from Ableton, and audio tracks for recording from both. This Ableton project is TR enabled and I’ve set its associated AR project up with a few of my go-to kits. What I do then is open this ableton project, accept recall from the plugin, and within 30 seconds or so I’ve got my default kits ready to go. I then “save as” in Ableton and start to get to work. As soon as I have something worthwhile going, I’ll save the projects manually on the boxes. Now the boxes will think that I’m saving a new version of my “template”, as that’s what I originally opened in Ableton. But I don’t want to do that…I save it with a new name to a fresh project slot. I then go back to OB, hit “re-activate” and now my boxes and ableton project are on the same new page. All I really need to keep in mind is to do a manual save on the boxes at the end of any (productive) session - just for safety really - and then anytime I open this ableton project, it just populates into the current state of both boxes automatically.

Seriously, this is amazing. I haven’t heard much talk about TR. Anyone else using it??

I guess that’s it for now. Believe it or not, I’m not a blind fanboi at all. In fact, I think Elektron can be positively obtuse at times in their communication (ex. multiple threads about forum lack of performance, spam issues, as well as helpful suggestions for merging A4/AK forums go flabbergastingly ignored). But I think they nailed it with OB and I’m really happy and grateful for it.

Thought the positive perspective was warranted.

Love the positive machine stories on this forum hehe :slight_smile:

Yeah I agree, the noise is the only real issue.

I just wish you could program change send to the RYTM from Live. You can do it - but it lags by like, one bar. But thats not really an OB problem, its something else. But since Ableton becomes the brains via OB, its so important, to me anyway.

All that needs fixing is that and the A4K noise and OB is 100% imo

@Zwolf: what’s your setup? OS + specs on computer? I’d love to get a stable OB experience… But I think most of my troubles are due to an aaaancient laptop etc…

@mattleaf: If I understood your problem correctly, I got around the program change 1-bar lag by changing the individual clip quantization to “none” on the clips I set up to do program changes. This at least worked for using program changes to change patterns on the AR, as long as you have the AR in the mode where it waits until the bar has played through before changing.

Do I make sense?

I’m running Analog Keys and Rytm, both connected through a cheapo multi TT USB hub. 2012 Mac Mini 2.3Ghz quad core, 16 GB RAM and SSD for OS and audio apps. Yosemite 10.10.5 and running Live 9.5.

I think that covers it. I guess I’m lucky to have the right system for running this. When the firs OB beta came out I was running 10.7.5 on a 2010 mac mini and things pretty much didn’t work. I upgraded computer and OS to get things working with OB. And it was well worth it!

Thanks for the info, sounds like you don’t need the computer to end all computers to run it properly… interesting… :slight_smile:

All too often forums are filled with people having problems rather than getting on fine with their gear with no problems.

I imagine the reason for this is that the latter group of people are away making music rather than searching online for answers to their problems or broadcasting their problems.

I’m really enjoying OB too. It’s actually the reason that made me jump at an A4 after lusting after one for years. The ability to take audio via USB into AbletonLive is awesome.

Not had any glitches with it yet.
I’m running an old Lenovo x201 i5 PC laptop with 8gb Ram.

Been having a great time with it since v1.10 came out as well. A fresh install of El Capitan got it working. I still run into the odd issue here and there however I’ve been able to get a TON of work done now that it’s more stable.

Had some issues this morning, but since I tried a different USB port it’s been back to working perfectly. Also I finally got around to sequencing my ms20 mini with the CV tracks… Holy moly, so many sounds and possibilities! The rough and raw ms20 sounds are a perfect fit for the more well-behaved A4 tones.

For myself I have a latency (20ms) on the Live 9.6. someone a issue for this?

I have a MBP 2015 13 core i5 2.8GHZ and 8go RAM & SSD 512GO.

Sorry, a bit late here.
This is going to sound crazy, but I’m not sure I’ve ever known of per clip qunatization before. I’ve just seen that preference in the clip dialog. This in itself is very cool I’ve certainly got a use for it outside of OB! SO thanks. And I’ll try it out with the RYTM!

It works, thanks so much!