Overbridge just for patch management

Can I run overbridge just for managing patches, visual control but disable clock and audio streams?

I’d rather keep the clock running from my expert sleepers gear as it is tighter.

Does this work on either the current or beta version?




yes. that’s exactly what I’m doing. I load the VST in Cubase and control the parameters without loading the overbridge app

@j0hnglist How do you accomplish this?

The overbridge control panel requires you to enable at least one audio channel, so maybe you didn’t set it up in the first place?

And even so, do you not have 48ms or so of latency when using the VST?

My thoughts exactly.

Tried this last night with latest OS and Beta on my AK and Ableton 9.5.

Weirdly ableton is reporting 0ms latency but I get no audio routing. So even though I have activated two audio channels in the overbridge control app they are not working properly.

The result is perfect for my needs, though but I am pretty sure it is a bug.

I’d also like to see a stand-alone editor. I like the reliable low latency I get with my 3x RME Multiface system.

Same thing with Virus Ti. People have been asking for a pure editor / manager for years now.

+1 for standalone mode for Overbridge!

I mentioned it in a bug report and they said having no in/out selected can cause instability on some systems.

I don’t even load the Overbridge app is what I’m saying. in Cubase, I create a new instrument, select Elektron Analog Rytm, the GUI for Overbridge pops up and I can now edit the Rytm.
