Overbridge keeps using mapped controls despite deleting all mapping?

Hi there,

Hoping someone can help me out with a MASSIVE issue I’m having with Overbridge. So I’ve been using Overbridge to connect my Digikeys with Ableton for a live set I will be performing in a couple of weeks. Everything has been going (relatively) smoothly, I am using the Pattern Clips M4L plugin to trigger patterns (cheers @Airyck !!) and I am using a TR8 as a MIDI controller mapped to trigger drums as well as control some parameters Overbridge.

Here’s the issue: I deleted a bunch of previously mapped parameters, however they are still actively controlling my Digikeys? I can’t see them when I look at my Ableton session mapping, and the Overbridge screen stays the same when I tweak the deleted MIDI mapping, but it does show up on my Digi screen. Has anybody had similar issues, and if so, any potential solutions?

Here’s some other details that might be of note:

Running Live on Mac Mojave
Digitone and TR8 are connected independently to my session, no thru cables
Overbridge is broken as hell

Thanks so much for reading, looking forward to seeing your thoughts.

I’m assuming the TR-8 is passing CC# values through to your Digitone Keys regardless of Overbridge.

If you’re not intending to control the Digitone keys through CC messages you could turn off the “receive CC/NRPN” setting in the settings/midi config/ports menu on the Digitone Keys.

I guess it would be good to know what your final intention is.