Overbridge KILLS DPC Latency

I had Cubase latency issues since this summer, first I blamed the Win10 1607 Redstone 2 update, Then I blamed NVIDIA, then I started to scrutinize with Latencymon and did find that My P67 USB controller (USBPORT.SYS) had thousands!!! of DPC calls within a minute of time. flooding was so high it caused hard pagefaults
I disconnected all of my USB synths and USBPORT.SYS did ease down again.
Then I connected my synths back, when connecting the RYTM, the DPC flooding started again, when powering on the A4 it doubled and the random crackles, little pufs and pops and the wrinkled tape type sound every once and a while was back.
MIND YOU, this is without even using the ELEKTRONS in Cubase, just having them on in overbridge mode is enough to flood the system.
I’ve now removed Overbridge 1.10 and put the RYTM and A4 both back in Midi only mode and USBPORT.SYS is fine.

So, if you have similar latency problems and you can’t find what’s causing it? just turn off your Elektrons, if connected via USB and see what happens.
each USB midi device generates around 500dpc’s a minute. in Overbridge mode the Elektrons generate a whopping 25.000!!! completely choking the USB bus.
I might order an overhub to connect on the RENESAS USB3 controller port, to see if that helps, but for now on a regular USB2 port overbridge mode is useless.

Make sure your motherboard drivers are all up to date.
Also plug your devices to different USB ports and see if that makes a difference. I would just work with one device at a time.

I’ve had some weird issues with the different USB ports on my system as well, but I’m not seeing all the DPC counts you are. OB devices dont work on the USB2 or USB3.1 ports but work decently on USB3 ports.

I have a support ticket open with Elektron and they say another version of OB is coming out “soon” which will provide better Win10 support.

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I hope so, there are more issues with my Sabertooth P67 under Win10
The onboard NIC (or networking in general) is a huge latency cause in 10.
When turned off, se rytm drum is undistorted, when on, also random clicks and plops every 30secs or so. Can’t turn it off as I have AVID EUCON and a SSL SIGMA. Also tried a different subnet for them on a USB3 gbit dongle, but spiking was nearly the same. After 1.5 years Windows10 still has issues.

I also think a lot of people don’t know they have them, because often the sound is not very appearant. But when you solo a kickdrum and listen to it for a couple of minutes, you should hear no puffs, flanges, missed attacks, or small clicks or ticks AT all, no matter how soft they are. This is not OB’s fault persé, but a windows 10 overall shortcoming

Yeah, I get a little bit of the subtle pops as well…it could very well be Overbridge. It is only one version out of Beta. Looking at the manual it looks like the Intel LAN and USB3.0_2 share an IRQ. Try plugging your RYTM and A4 into the two USB2.0 slots and see if that helps. Those two slots share the same IRQ and only with each other. That info’s on page 2-11 of the latest manual which can be downloaded from Asus. I didn’t check to see if their is onboard wifi or not but you can always try that as well as buying a cheap pcie ethernet card to see if that helps. On a personal note, I hate this software as a service crap where your pc needs to be connected to the network to work and the software is available via subscription…

Honestly, what kind of advice is that? :disappointed:

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Hey Omatic - You misunderstood my comment. While troubleshooting you work with only one device at a time. You get it to work with one device (hopefully), then work with the second device once the first is working.

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Oh, sorry. It seems that i indeed misunderstood your perfectly good troubleshooting tip. :slight_smile:

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No prob - i could have been a little more clearer as well. :slight_smile: