Overbridge latency in Sonar on Win10 64-bit

Hey elektronitizens,

I spent the past week or so building and tweaking a new computer and am really trying to get everything tightly synced and need a little help. I’ve searched the internet, this forum, other forums, Sonar help, etc. and tweaked most of the settings that I could find both for Overbridge, my soundcard, Sonar and Windows but I still having a latency issue with my A4 and RYTM.

The problem is that both Overbridge connected devices are a little behind the beat. Compared with Sonar’s internal metronome it sounds like an annoying flam.

Both devices are physically connected to my mobo via USB and are completely in sync with each other but bit behind the built in metronome. Incidentally when I bounce the audio (via Bounce to Track…) the audio is in time with the built in metronome.

Any suggestions would be welcome!


The details:

CPU: Intel i7-6700K
Mobo: Asus Z170 Deluxe
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1060
OS: Win10 64-bit
Soundcard: RME Fireface 400 (Sonar timing master) firewire via SIIG DP FW 800 PCIe
DAW: Sonar Platinum 64-bit
Overbridge: 1.10.1 64-bit
RYTM OS: 1.30D
A4 OS: 1.23C

All software, drivers, firmware has been updated with what was available on the vendors’ sites as of this week.

  • A4 and RYTM connected via USB directly to mobo (USB 3.0 ports; they were initially connected to USB 3.1 ports but when Sonar initialized the VSTis there were a lot of loud fart noises coming from both devices for approximately 3 seconds)
  • both are in Overbridge mode
  • other VSTis (software only synths) play just fine without any latency

Overbridge settings:

  • both devices have Machine Sequencer Sync set to Clock
  • Both devices’ default buffer input and output sizes: 64
  • Buffer Safety Margin: 25
  • Both device I/O are set at: 24-bit
  • Currently only the Main ins and outs are activated on both devices

Fireface settings:
Fireface Buffer Size (latency): 128 samples (anything lower causes pops in the Overbridge devices but not other audio tracks)
Sample Rate: 44.1
Clock Source: Fireface

Driver Settings:
Playback Timing/Record Master: ASIO Fireface
Audio Driver Bit Depth: 24
64-bit Double Precision Engine: Enabled
Sample Rate: 44.1
ASIO Reported Latencies: Input: 3.9ms, Output: 5.1ms, Roundtrip: 9

Audio Playback and Recording
Driver Mode: ASIO

Sync and Caching:
Record Latency Adjustment: Manual Offset: 3
Use ASIO Reported Latency: enabled with 397 in the box

MIDI Playback and Recording:
Prepare Using 256 MS Buffers

  • delay compensation (in VSTi settings) is disabled for both devices (this was enabled by default and disabling it reduced the latency significantly)