Overbridge Losing Connection and Freezing Computer

Hey guys. So I know that the whole “Overbridge is unstable” thread is pretty common at this point, but I’m wondering if these problems are at all common or if maybe there’s something specifically wrong with my setup.

Overbridge always seems to run alright to start, but if my Macbook Pro starts to get busy with other tasks like a CPU intensive Ableton set or if I try to run a web browser in the background, Overbridge loses it’s connection to my A4. Reconnecting is then really intermittent and it’s at this point that other problems start to arise. If Overbridge loses its connection, my whole laptop starts acting strangely, where I can’t fully quit out of or restart Ableton without restarting my computer. Other programs I may be running also won’t fully exit out if I’ve lost this connection. I should note that this problem only ever occurs after running Overbridge.

I find it really strange that Overbridge could cause my whole system to become unstable, not just Overbridge itself or Ableton. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated if anyone has any ideas. I’ve tried reinstalling Overbridge a few times now with no success.

Also, how well is Overbridge generally working for everyone? It seems as though it’s stable for most people, so I’m confused as to why I’m having so many problems with it. When it works, it’s amazing, but it drops out and causes these problems to frequently now that I’m losing any desire to use it, as convenient as it is.


I had similar issues a while back. Eventually my laptop wouldn’t even start up and my screen went crazy.
It seemed as if it was Overbridge related too.
Turns out it was my 2011 MPB laptop was known to have a faulty display issues and Mac offered a free mother board replacement to fix it.
Since then I’ve had no problems with Overbridge.

Running CPU heavy sets with Ableton alone freaks my machine out. I cant imagine trying to incorporate OB into that mess.

I’m having this trouble too. I’m finally trying it and it just keeps freezing my Ableton session.

Even after I close out of Ableton, it seems I can’t get ableton to start without restarting my computer…

Good to know I’m not alone here then! That’s the same problem as me exactly.

It would help to know some specifics…

OB version?
MacBook Pro model?
Mac OS version?
A4 OS version?

I’m using an iMac, El Capitan 10.11.5, Ableton 9.6.2, AR 1.30. My A4 worked fine when I tried it.

One thing. When I was trying to do the OB the only time I could make it work was through main outs. If I turned them off, then no audio whatsoever coming through.

I’m on a 2012 Macbook Pro.
Mac OS: El Capitan 10.11.5
OB: 1.10.1
A4: 1.23

Starting out, it always works fine. It’s normally after it’s been running and working for about an hour or so that this happens where it freezes and then Ableton doesn’t reopen after force closing until I restart my laptop.

Apparently there’s been a lil update to the AR + A4. I think it’s 1.23B now. See if that works for you

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Sorry, I didn’t think the B was significant.

It’s actually the 1.23B version I’m running.

Yeah, didn’t really work for me either. And my problems with individual outs didn’t get resolved either.

For sake of troubleshooting, are you using a Push 2? Because I am, and that might be a factor(didn’t mess with it today, didn’t feel like it)

I find it incredibly stable. It never crashes or freezes my Imac . I can use it for hours at a time with no problems. I really don’t think there is anything unstable about OB per se, so long as you are using a computer which can handle it.

Well I just recently upgraded to a SSD, and everything else on my computer runs just fine. I don’t think this is a problem with my computer not being powerful enough, especially seeing as though a few other people have had a similar problem.