Overbridge Loudness vs Direct

I’ve been using OB for a while now and love it. Today though I purchased a decent set of studio headphones and noticed a huge difference between the headphone out of AR and the Headphone out of my sound card which Ableton is sending to. Got the AR sending to Ableton through OB. In the headphones out of Rytm it sounded much brighter and punchier.

I didn’t notice quite as much before using speakers but I do now, as I run a mixer with all my other gear into the AR then to feed into Ableton to record I can’t really be having any sound degradation.

Thing is I know it’s likely there’s something I’m doing wrong here as no one seems to have reported any significant sound quality loss through OB yet, just wondering where along the chain it could be deteriorating, I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to DAWs.

Anyone else noticed anything significant?

EDIT: The more I listen to difference, I think it’s more a loudness issue than sound quality, perhaps an issue with Ableton itself?

Well, to be totally honest i find the sound through OB to be pretty bad quality.
I think the fault is in both the ADC’s in the rytm not being very good and the freaky stuff Overbridge needs to do to sync the USB output to your soundcards audio stream. All in all a mediocre sound quality compared with the analog outputs.

I record everything through the analog outs on the rytm now into my soundcard. Much better.
It’s really a shame that Elektron doesn’t release a control only (non-audio) version of overbridge.

Hi is your Ableton session preference is currently reflecting the specifications of the hardware unit ?
48 kHz, 24-bit D/A and A/D converters

You need at least compare with an Ableton session based on the same specifications I think…
I didn’t notice real difference I mean the one you can’t deal with…

Hope it’s help to judge better, but maybe your Ableton preference is already at 24bits 48khZ

I would be interested in some example recordings to compare, if you can.

And also maybe it’s just PRE-AMP and nothing to do about the sound itself
If you put let’s say as I really like those headphones : Beyer DT770, Ultrasone Pro-900
on a standalone HD Preamp SPL Phonitor per example you will notice a difference, maybe your headphone pre-amp on your sound card is better than the headphone pre-amp on the RYTM

Better to judge Overbridge Record take and Soundcard Record take in the same listening environment headphone though your sound card or your monitors through your sound card :wink:

Yea that’s a good idea actually. Saying there was ‘Huge’ difference might have been an exageration as it may be more of a loudness issue. I put a utility from Ableton on individual tracks it seems to help, I still feel like there’s a difference in the clarity of kicks but I could be imagining it as I’m plugging my headphones out from one to the other.